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v8 maps

Tue Oct 23, 2012 8:18 pm

if it states maps cannot be used without meta txt
how are we suppose to update to the new maps without the text

Tue Oct 23, 2012 9:51 pm

If you need a map that has no meta code posted yet, the option would be to buy the map off Tomtom and to share the codes with us.
That's how we get the other codes ;)

Wed Oct 24, 2012 1:48 am

james777 wrote:if it states maps cannot be used without meta txt
how are we suppose to update to the new maps without the text

You can't. If we don't have the meta posted for a particular map, none of the other forums will either.
You have 3 options.
1. Downunder's option, for which the TT Team would be most grateful.
2. Wait & see if the meta gets posted.
2. Check the 890 & 885 Editions.
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