so SE_Navcore.9.205.547817_32mb_devices on XXL 550 with map United_States_2GB_875_3613 and tts voices and sound, jukebox not working on this device?
Anyone gotten it to work correctly and if yes how?
holyhead wrote:oue have to stick to the original NC. If i am right you have the Satnav with the simplefied menu. It is a common problem on these devices with the voice if you chamge to an other NC.
holyhead wrote: if you are sure that you can use sound on other NC why not use these. Mayby someone else can give you the answer why 9.205 has no sound.
holyhead wrote:I think your hardware is not supported the media player. Is it only the media player or also the voices and on witch NC you have voices but not the mediaplayer (the 9205 I alraedy know).
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