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Navcore 9.700, Europe truck map 901.4683

Mon Jan 07, 2013 5:51 pm

I have prepared an sd card with this combination on it. Navcore 9.700 and map 901.4683

When running fastactivate it makes all other maps work but not this one. So, i tried it on the earlier navcore 839. Wont work on that either.

Generated meta text first but no dct files for the 901 map.

What am i missing apart from a brain.
Anyone else had this problem.

Mon Jan 07, 2013 6:31 pm

Update to this problem.
I have now got the map to be recognized. I put a copy of fastactivate in the map folder and run it from there. Made a dct file and working but, it is very very slow to change screens, in fact, when i press navigate it freezes.

I went back to an earlier map and it works fine. So still cannot test this map.

Mon Jan 07, 2013 8:47 pm

http://www.navitotal.com/showthread.php?11910-Discussion-Truck-Navcore-9.700/page3 post 21
I can confirm lane guidance is working, I did not go far today as there's not a lot happening at work at the moment but, it all looks good and worked fine when i used it. When i do get a good run i can try it out better.

Got me a bit confused here, the other thread says it works fine and this thread says it don't.
or am i missing something.
as said in the other thread ,i think the screen change maybe faster but not experienced the freezing part when pressing the navigate button.best wait for tendriver or downunder, they should be able to help better than I.

Mon Jan 07, 2013 9:02 pm

In the other thread i say it works fine, Thats the navcore 9700. When coupled up to the new map 901. thats when it freezes. No problem with the navcore 9700 on an older truck map at all. Just on the new 901 map.

Mon Jan 07, 2013 9:33 pm

I only replaces in "internal" the navecor 83... for 97...and did nothing more, and works in the perfection, with the map 901...that was already on the sd card.
nothing more... neither running fastactivate

Tue Jan 08, 2013 12:16 am

daf wrote:I put a copy of fast activate in the map folder and run it from there. Made a dct file and working but, it is very very slow to change screens, in fact, when i press navigate it freezes.

Confirm that you have both a .meta.dct & a .tmeta.dct file in the map folder.

Tue Jan 08, 2013 12:30 am

I wonder why we need a new thread for this topic!
There is a discussion thread for this NC already, several threads for the map, same for map problems, but no it sooo much easier to open new threads as it saves the time to use the existing.
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