Change lines 9 + 10 in ttgo.bif to read Latest officiall navcore for your device (if you want to know the figures please ask and i will tell you, but i need to know what version of XL you got)
3.Save the file as ttgo.bak
4.Reboot your device
5.Connect to tthome and that error should not show up now
combat goofwing wrote:how do i get the favorites from my back up onto the new navicore?
tendriver wrote:Copy the mapsettings.cfg file from the old map folder to the new map folder.
combat goofwing wrote:thanks for all the great advice
so on the back of the answer where can i find the map and meta for the full feature map 2871, same for speed cams i would like the latest and how to install them if possible please
finally my brother has a 730 going to get os and map details tomorrow then have a go at patching his
thanks again for the help great site
combat goofwing wrote:thanks ill give that at try, im going to move away from kegen and try fast activator as it seems easy to use, im running vista 64 bit and it seems to fail to work is there an issue
thanks again
tendriver wrote:If those numbers don't work, try
tendriver wrote:You don't need a keygen to correct the error message.
I have no problem with Fast Activator & Vista 64.
combat goofwing wrote:so wasnt clear i tried fast act and i get error messages about 64 bit and files it cant do should i just continue?
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