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I need help activating a map : autoactivate and fast activat

Thu Jul 26, 2012 1:24 pm

Hi !

All in the title !

I have a new map I want to install.
I did all that was asked.

When I run autoactivate, I can read that the map is installed.
But, when I try to access it, I'm told by the device that it's not activated.

Tomtom home also tell me that I need to enter a code to activate the map.
I ran autoactivate and fast activate many time with re starting the device. I tried for a long time but I still can"t manage to use it.

I may have forgotten something but I don't find what...

By the way I have no .dct file in any repertory.
I think that may be the reason why it do not work because I read in the forum tht the file was usefull.
I hoped autoactivate would create it, but it does'nt.

Please, help me.

thank you in advance.

Thu Jul 26, 2012 2:02 pm

Flykiller wrote:1. I need help activating a map : autoactivate and fast activate won't work.
2. Please, help me.

1. This is not a autoactivate/fastactivate issue. It is a user issue.
2.We would be more than happy to help you, but unfortunately we can't, because you have given us 0 info to work with.

Thu Jul 26, 2012 2:12 pm

Please Tendriver, help me giving you what you need to answer my question.

Thu Jul 26, 2012 2:33 pm

It is all in the rules and tutorials....
It does not take a rocket sientist to know we need at least:
1. the TT model
2. the Navcore currently in use
3. the map(s) installed or causing problems - including the full name and version number!
4. all the stuff the user did not tell us that caused the problem to appear ;)

Thu Jul 26, 2012 2:39 pm

Flykiller wrote:Please Tendriver, help me giving you what you need to answer my question.

Say you own a repair garage & I call and say, "My car doesn't work. Please help me". Your answer would be???

Thu Jul 26, 2012 3:04 pm

Thanks for answering so quickly !

It's a Tomtom 920.
the map is called : "USA_and_Canada_865_3261"
I hope that will help, I've found these informations : "ApplicationVersionVersionNumber=9430 ; ApplicationVersion=890926.1".

Do you need something else ?
Thank you again.

Thu Jul 26, 2012 3:15 pm

Flykiller wrote:the map is called : "USA_and_Canada_865_3261"

I hope this is your old map and not your new one.

890 is the current edition.
For your 920, you want North America 2GB 890.4222 or if you don't need Canada, then United States 2GB 890.4222.

Thu Jul 26, 2012 3:35 pm

Well, this is "my new" map...

Should I get another one ?
--> Ok, I'm already trying to get the "North America 2GB 890.4222" file.

Is this the reason why I couldn't activate it on my device ?

Thu Jul 26, 2012 4:01 pm

Flykiller wrote:Well, this is "my new" map...

Should I get another one ?
Is this the reason why I couldn't activate it on my device ?

Maybe, maybe not. If I was going to the trouble to upgrade my map, I would want the current one, not one that was 5 editions out of date.

Thu Jul 26, 2012 4:24 pm

Of course.
This is not really an update. I've lost the map on my GO 920. So, it's like I'm not upgrading but getting entire new map...
I'm 4% of getting North America 2GB 890.4222.

Thank again for your concern.

Thu Jul 26, 2012 4:38 pm

Good sound advice from two of the best.

Incidentally, fast activate and autoactivate have never worked for me, they create the .dct but never works. Easy Tools does.

When patching the unit, it is the other way around.

Life and it's wonderful ways!

Thu Jul 26, 2012 4:53 pm

da.bish wrote:Good sound advice from two of the best.

Incidentally, fast activate and autoactivate have never worked for me, they create the .dct but never works. Easy Tools does.

When patching the unit, it is the other way around.

Life and it's wonderful ways!

With a patched navcore & map meta.dct file, I know of no reason why it wouldn't work.

Fri Jul 27, 2012 6:24 am


I only could get the 1st file during the last 16 hours.
Then, "all the slots are in use".
Stil waiting to be able to download the 7 other files.
I'll let you know as soon as I can get the entire file you advice me.

thank you

Tired of waiting to download the next 7 files, I tried to find the map I was really looking for, that mean only Canada. It's only 210 Mo.
I already have the 200 Mo file (part1).
I'm now stuck with the second part (10Mo)...

Is there another way to get this 10 Mo file so I could try to install a map on my tomtom ?
Or maybe you could help me with the old map I already have because I feel like I'm losing time trying to download instead of trying to install.

thank you in advance for any help !

Fri Jul 27, 2012 10:40 am

Hi again.

Well, I think I'm going to give up with getting the new map.

Please, anyone could help me activating the first one I asked help for ?

I can provide more informations than I already did if needed.

Thank you.

Fri Jul 27, 2012 9:11 pm

Flykiller wrote:1. Tired of waiting to download the next 7 files, I tried to find the map I was really looking for, that mean only Canada. It's only 210 Mo.
I already have the 200 Mo file (part1).
I'm now stuck with the second part (10Mo)...

2. Is there another way to get this 10 Mo file so I could try to install a map on my tomtom ?
3. Or maybe you could help me with the old map I already have because I feel like I'm losing time trying to download instead of trying to install.

1. There is not a "Canada only" map in the 890 Edition. There are 3 Canada-Alaska in this edition, but they do not have a meta code & are unuseable.
2. No.
3. Remove the old map folder. Copy in the new map folder. FastActivate Premium
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