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Need Help for a map problem TomTom Go 750 live

Sun Jul 15, 2012 2:32 pm

Hello, I am new on this website and i need your helps. I have a Tomtom Go 750 live with Europ 45 map. My father give the GPS to a friend who add Morroco map. One day a red screen apair and to solve the problem I link the GPS to Tomtom to update him and since this day when I put on the GPS i can see West_Europe and Morrocco on a red screen with Problem of map you can't use this card on the GPS: EUrope_West-165 or the same with Morocco-162 and i haven't any back up so i don't know what to do. So thank for your help and sorry for my english ^^.

Sun Jul 15, 2012 3:13 pm

Use FastActivate Premium to patch your Navcore.
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