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New To This, Need a Little Help Pls :)

Sat May 14, 2011 5:29 am

I have a TomTom One 30 Series (130-s). The current info on it is:
App 8.017
GPS v1.21
Boot 5.5026
Map: USA_and_Canada v725.1914

Looking at the charts I believe the best navcore would be 8.410 and the best map would be 865.3262. Would that be right?

Also, if I download the navcore NAVCORE 8.410.1218 with all-in-one installer and the map with automatic installer and patcher, do I need to do anything but run each program? I am unsure of the exact steps I need to update it and can't seem to find a step-by-step tutorial on the process. Thanks!

Sat May 14, 2011 6:32 am

sunflowerstarr wrote:I have a TomTom One 30 Series (130-s). The current info on it is:
App 8.017
GPS v1.21
Boot 5.5026
Map: USA_and_Canada v725.1914

Looking at the charts I believe the best navcore would be 8.410 and the best map would be 865.3262. Would that be right?

Also, if I download the navcore NAVCORE 8.410.1218 with all-in-one installer and the map with automatic installer and patcher, do I need to do anything but run each program? I am unsure of the exact steps I need to update it and can't seem to find a step-by-step tutorial on the process. Thanks!

Make full backup your current config and you can test all what you want...
Look also:
TomTom Automatic Navcore Installation

1. Make backup
2. delete old map folder
3. run automatic installer
4. copy new map to device if needed
5. run Auto- or FastActivate
6. done

Sat May 14, 2011 6:45 am

Thanks so much! Followed the tutorial for backing it up but it didnt specify if there was any particular place to put it. I placed the copy on my desktop. Is that ok or should I put my copy somewhere else? Thanks again, I'll be working on it as soon as the files finish downloading!

Sat May 14, 2011 6:53 am

sunflowerstarr wrote:Thanks so much! Followed the tutorial for backing it up but it didnt specify if there was any particular place to put it. I placed the copy on my desktop. Is that ok or should I put my copy somewhere else? Thanks again, I'll be working on it as soon as the files finish downloading!

Keep it safe place, you may need some files if someting happen...
maybe you can burn all to dvd ( you need this only if you want sell your device with this legal map copy )

Sat May 14, 2011 10:16 am

Ok I have everything downloaded and installed but when I try to use it, it says "Problem with map. You cannot use this map on this device: USA_and_Canada-309" I downloaded the all in one installer for navcore 8.410 and the all in one installer/patcher map USA_and_Canada_865_3262. I was making a best guess on what to pick. Can anyone please point me in the direction of which map and navcore I should be using?

Sat May 14, 2011 1:14 pm

sunflowerstarr wrote:Ok I have everything downloaded and installed but when I try to use it, it says "Problem with map. You cannot use this map on this device: USA_and_Canada-309" I downloaded the all in one installer for navcore 8.410 and the all in one installer/patcher map USA_and_Canada_865_3262. I was making a best guess on what to pick. Can anyone please point me in the direction of which map and navcore I should be using?

You need to patch your map, go root of device and run FastActivate.exe and use button Maps/Voices/Speedcams

Sat May 14, 2011 5:07 pm

Ok I will try that again. I thought I had done that according to the posts about the maps with fast activate included and how it starts automatically.

Sat May 14, 2011 5:29 pm

sunflowerstarr wrote:Ok I will try that again. I thought I had done that according to the posts about the maps with fast activate included and how it starts automatically.

If you are referring to 865 maps with installer and FastActivate, the maps install automatically, but they are not patched automatically. You have to do that with the included FastActivate, as instructed in the last step of "Screenshots and some explanations" & in step 5 of PiEtU's post 2.

Sat May 14, 2011 8:05 pm

Ok So I restored using the backup and started over. Now when I plug in the TomTom it says via TomTom Home that the maps are up to date but it won't load past the splash screen. Sorry for making this complicated but I want to make sure the steps I have done are correct. I am doing the following:

1) Running the automatic Navcore installer exe and specifying the TomTom drive
2)Deleting Old Map
3) Running automatic map installer/patcher
4) Running FastActivate using Maps/Voices/Speedcams button
5) Rebooting system (and staying on TomTom splash screen)

I have also tried rebooting before running FastActivate with the same results. If I choose operate my device in TomTom Home it says the same "Problem with map. Cannot use this map on this device. USA_and_Canada-309" Is there something else I need to do or to do in a different order? And is it a problem with the map since I ran the FastActivate program?

Sat May 14, 2011 8:57 pm

go to map folder confirm that here is USA_and_Canada-309.meta.dct file
forget tomtom home while....make your device working first

after device works:
when you connect device to tomtom home and use operate my device...download files when asked and then exit from tomtom home
use FastActivate again with button TomTom HOME. and start tomtom home again

Sat May 14, 2011 9:38 pm

sunflowerstarr wrote:I have also tried rebooting before running FastActivate with the same results.

Confirm that there is a ttgo.bif in the root with your installed navcore.

Sat May 14, 2011 9:41 pm

Yes that file is in there. The chart says it works with pretty much any navcore so I tried it just updating the map and not the navcore. The only difference in error messages via TomTom Home is that the "-309" is missing from the message. Should I try a different map? I downloaded USA_and_Canada_865.3261 instead of .3262.

Sat May 14, 2011 9:45 pm

Both the meta file and the ttgo.bif is there.

Sat May 14, 2011 10:01 pm

sunflowerstarr wrote:Both the meta file and the ttgo.bif is there.

Confirm that there is a .meta & a .meta.dct file in the map folder, not just a .meta, as you indicate.

Sat May 14, 2011 10:06 pm

Sorry both meta's are in there, thats what I meant in the post above it where I confirmed the file you mentioned as there (didnt see the second response so I just was reconfirming for the .meta.dct and the ttgo.bif.
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