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Newbie trying to get Tomtom truck reinstalled

Wed Oct 05, 2011 9:13 am

Hello this is my first thread so please be kind :o

I had tomtom truck (don't know which version number, but it was an old one) running from a 2gb sd card, on Sunday my satnav decided to delete the maps from the card (yes the sat nav managed that!, there were no files left on the card when I connected it my computer later on).

I now need to get the software installed again but I'm a complete newbie when it comes to work like this that involves patching, codes, keygens etc. Someone talked me through it in the past.

My sat nav is a Tomtom One XL with software version 8.010 installed, I have a 2gb sd card and a 4gb SDHC card available to use but the tomtom won't read the 4gb card, gives me a picture of a red cross when I insert it.

Can someone please point me in the right direction as to what version is best, what card is best, and how to get me up and running before I return to work tomorrow.


Wed Oct 05, 2011 10:07 am

Take the 1st from here & use a 4Gb SD card http://www.navitotal.com/forums/showthread.php?5464-Current-SE-8.398-TRUCK-WORK-navcores-for-other-devices

Wed Oct 05, 2011 12:49 pm

Thanks for the reply. I downloaded the first file, unzipped it and it gave me one single .dlc file? Have I done something wrong? Should that download give me everything I need to copy to the memory card to be up and running again?

Wed Oct 05, 2011 1:01 pm

mark28 wrote:Thanks for the reply. I downloaded the first file, unzipped it and it gave me one single .dlc file? Have I done something wrong? Should that download give me everything I need to copy to the memory card to be up and running again?

That downloaded dlc is an encrypted link to the Fileserve download. Use Jdownloader (do a "search" round here)

Wed Oct 05, 2011 1:13 pm

mark28 wrote:Can someone please point me in the right direction as to what version is best, what card is best, and how to get me up and running before I return to work tomorrow.


Navcore: [Please Register or Login to download file] & [Please Register or Login to download file]
Map: Europe
Europe_Truck_875_3649_Installer with Automatic Installer & Patcher
; Europe_TRUCK_875_3649
2B 92 FE 2F 2C 31 76 9D 4F 05 3A 06 AB 1A FC 80 Europe_TRUCK-408.meta
; Europe_TRUCK_875_3649
4F 76 D4 F8 F0 63 46 26 CA 4B 64 2F B8 AD C3 E9 Europe_TRUCK-408.tmeta

1. In the .cab there is a file named system. Copy this file to your internal memory & reboot. This will allow your device to use a SDHC 4GB or larger card.
2. Put a copy of your device's ttgo.bif on the 4GB card.
3. Unzip & copy the 8.398 navcore & pre-patched ttsystem file to the card.
4. Unzip & copy the 875 map to the card.
5. Put the card in your unit & reboot.

Wed Oct 05, 2011 1:26 pm

Thank you for all the replies.

FAO Tendriver: So I download the navcore link, the ttsystem_8398 link and the link in orange, all 12 parts of it? (assuming that is the uk version? last one I had was called Western Europe and uk?)

Then follow the instructions you have posted?

Wed Oct 05, 2011 1:52 pm

mark28 wrote:Thank you for all the replies.

FAO Tendriver:
1. So I download the navcore link, the ttsystem_8398 link and
2. the link in orange, all 12 parts of it? (assuming that is the uk version? last one I had was called Western Europe and uk?)
3. Then follow the instructions you have posted?

1. Yes.
2. Yes, all 12 parts. There is no UK version. The map has been named Europe Truck since at least the 840 edition. It does cover the UK.
3. Yes. There are some additional instructions for the map here: All New Maps 875.XXXX

Wed Oct 05, 2011 2:08 pm

Thank you once again for your help, it's a slow process downloading all the parts, I'll post again when it's all up and running (hopefully) :D


Thu Oct 06, 2011 4:04 pm

I've managed to download all the link above except for parts 8 and 12, they just refuse to download. I've tried it on my pc, a laptop and a netbook and everytime it refuses to start downloading. Does anyone else have a problem and is there an alternative place to download these parts? Also assuming if there is then part 8 and 12 are the same and contain the same files?


Thu Oct 06, 2011 4:29 pm

mark28 wrote:I've managed to download all the link above except for parts 8 and 12, they just refuse to download. I've tried it on my pc, a laptop and a netbook and everytime it refuses to start downloading. Does anyone else have a problem and is there an alternative place to download these parts? Also assuming if there is then part 8 and 12 are the same and contain the same files?


My apologies for this problem. I can not d/l 8 or 12 either. Please PM popeye, our map GURU!!

Thu Oct 06, 2011 4:47 pm

I've pm'd popeye, it doesn't show in sent items though. Is that normal? on another forum I use it doesnt show as sent until it is read.

Thu Oct 06, 2011 4:54 pm

mark28 wrote:I've pm'd popeye, it doesn't show in sent items though. Is that normal? on another forum I use it doesnt show as sent until it is read.

I sent him 1 also. It shows on my "Sent" page.

[Please Register or Login to download file]

[Please Register or Login to download file]

Thu Oct 06, 2011 5:13 pm

Hmm strange, he's replied to mine so it sent somehow. Links work perfectly, back to the downloading :)

Thanks to everyone who has helped.

Fri Oct 07, 2011 7:01 pm

I've got to the stage of copying it all to the memory card. Part one of the download is an .exe file so I can't extract it. It asks me to select which drive my tomtom is, does this install it all for me and save extracting the rest? that creates a lot of files that are in total 2.43gb. Please can someone help me out :( :helpsos:


Fri Oct 07, 2011 7:27 pm

mark28 wrote:I've got to the stage of copying it all to the memory card.
1. Part one of the download is an .exe file so I can't extract it.
2. It asks me to select which drive my tomtom is, does this install it all for me and save extracting the rest?
3. that creates a lot of files that are in total 2.43gb.

Please can someone help me out :( :helpsos:


1. Correct.
2. Yes. That's why it is named "Automatic Installer & Patcher".
3. 2.43GB is the correct size.
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