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Noob needing pointers

Mon Oct 04, 2010 7:59 pm

hi, hello to everyone here

i'm a bit confused as what i need to do to update maps. atm my tt details are

device tt 930
App 8.351 (9982/090518) OS: 315817
64MB RAM - 16.4MB Free
GPS v1.20 Boot 5.5120
Map. Western & Central Europe 2GB v800.1765

do i need to run the patcher for tt home
i've dloaded the following files and have them saved to my pc, but not really sure where to go from here.
i've made a back up of my system


i'm also unsure which map i need to replace it with, i need IQ routes

any help or advice appreciated

Tue Oct 05, 2010 1:36 am

tinribz wrote:hi, hello to everyone here

i'm a bit confused as what i need to do to update maps. atm my tt details are

device tt 930
App 8.351 (9982/090518) OS: 315817
64MB RAM - 16.4MB Free
GPS v1.20 Boot 5.5120
Map. Western & Central Europe 2GB v800.1765

1. do i need to run the patcher for tt home
i've dloaded the following files and have them saved to my pc, but not really sure where to go from here.
i've made a back up of my system

2. ENG_FastActivate_02.10.2010_Premium_edition_v1.7

3. i'm also unsure which map i need to replace it with, i need IQ routes

any help or advice appreciated

1. Not at this time.

2. Disregard you downloads. Go here for Auto-installation: TomTom Automatic Navcore Installation
Read the instructions carefully. Select SE_Navcore.9.026.483454_32mb_Devices,rar
Disregard the 32mb Devices in the title.

3. Western and Central Europe 855.2884

Tue Oct 05, 2010 1:54 pm

thank you tendriver, i'm dloading the map now
would i also need to update the North America map at the same time?
i have v800.1727

will the tt voices work or do i have to copy voices over from my back up or checking thru the site, do i need loquendo dovoice?

Tue Oct 05, 2010 2:04 pm

loquendo will give you text to speech computer voices so instead of trun left and right you get street names and road/highway numbers

north amercia map 855.2884 will give you i q routes

Tue Oct 05, 2010 2:08 pm

thank you combat, i prefer the turn left/right so i'll leave that as it is.
thanks for the pointer on maps too.

Tue Oct 05, 2010 2:09 pm

tinribz wrote:thank you tendriver, i'm dloading the map now
1. would i also need to update the North America map at the same time?
i have v800.1727

2. will the tt voices work or do i have to copy voices over from my back up or checking thru the site, do i need loquendo dovoice?

1. If you want to update your NA map, now is the time to do it. NA 855.2884

2. You already have LoquendoTTS computer voice/voices, & it/they should be OK.

Tue Oct 05, 2010 2:15 pm

you will still get "in 200 yards turn left just it will be followed by the street name or number" which is very handy in unfamiliar areas

Tue Oct 05, 2010 2:24 pm

To avoid any confusion, LoquendoTTS is standard on a GO 930.

Tue Oct 05, 2010 3:15 pm

yes i do, i didn't actually remember it said that until you reminded me (age lol) and this unit is in my wifes car
maps dloaded, i'll attempt later when i can give some time to it

Tue Oct 05, 2010 7:05 pm

should i be putting these 2 maps onto the root of my tt after i've deleted the original maps?
as it seems there isn't enough space, mp3 and audiobooks is empty
i have 3.74gb total size, 3.50gb free if i delete original maps, but need additional 420mb to fit these 2 maps
should these maps be going on a sd card, if so, do these units take sdhc?

Tue Oct 05, 2010 7:31 pm

tinribz wrote:should i be putting these 2 maps onto the root of my tt after i've deleted the original maps?
as it seems there isn't enough space, mp3 and audiobooks is empty
i have 3.74gb total size, 3.50gb free if i delete original maps, but need additional 420mb to fit these 2 maps
should these maps be going on a sd card, if so, do these units take sdhc?

Tue Oct 05, 2010 7:36 pm

tinribz wrote:should i be putting these 2 maps onto the root of my tt after i've deleted the original maps?
as it seems there isn't enough space, mp3 and audiobooks is empty
i have 3.74gb total size, 3.50gb free if i delete original maps, but need additional 420mb to fit these 2 maps
should these maps be going on a sd card, if so, do these units take sdhc?

Remove the original maps. If both new maps will not fit on your internal, then yes, put the one you will be using the least on a card. Also put a copy of your device's ttgo.bif file on the card before you patch the map.
Units with bootloader 5.5015 (navcore 8.300) or newer will accept sdhc cards.

Tue Oct 05, 2010 7:38 pm

ok, comp has been crashing on me while doing this.

yes, i've found it takes sdhc
i'm just in the progress of starting over

Tue Oct 05, 2010 7:40 pm

you can put them on the card no probs but you need a copy of the TTgo bif file on there also ,otherwise fast activate will not patch tem

Tue Oct 05, 2010 7:41 pm

combat goofwing wrote:you can put them on the card no probs but you need a copy of the TTgo bif file on there also ,otherwise fast activate will not patch tem

See post 12.
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