There is no meta for the Scandinavia 980.7899
So instead use Scandinavia 980_7971
1) Reset the device (at least 15 sec) and then run it till the notice "No map found" or can,t use
this map
2) Use Scandinavia 980_7971. Unpack it and
Copy the new map to your SD card in its own folder.
When you open the map you see the individual files.
Not a map in a map.
3) Copy "FastActivate.exe" to your SD Card root.
Run "FastActivate.exe".
Select 2
Select 3
Wait for the announcement navcore Patched.
topic14003.html4) SD card in the device. Reset the device (at least 15 sec)
Look at the chart Horizontal the navcores
In your case the 7.914 so the 7.9xx
Then vertical the Green Y
To the left, the maps wich can be used with the navcore
To the right wich features the map have. Those features only have use if your device supports them.
i.e. the One has no microphone so a map wich support it has no use (except there is no other map).
At least there must be a META for the map. So NO META the map has NO USE AT ALL.