C141B wrote:Ok, I have this dinosaur that I’m trying to update. It does everything I need it to do so I really don’t want to replace it (I’m cheap). Here’s the problem. It has the latest “official” navcore 8.016. The current map the is installed is USA_CANADA 885.4094. When I use the TT Home software is says that 900.4608 is available for my unit. When I DL install and activate it I get the red screen telling me that the map cannot be used on this device. I assume I need to update the navcore, but which navcore will work on such an old device. Am I just out of luck? Thanks for any help.
C141B wrote:Thanks for you help.
I have checked the map chart, however it doesn’t have a column for Navcore 8.016. When I check for the latest “official” Navcore as stated it is 8.0146, thus leading me to the thought that I need to upgrade to a modified Navcore. It could take a month of Sundays to try them all that’s why I was hopeing to get some more information. I have also gone through all the tutorials that apply and don’t understand what vital information I missed other than maybe the bootloader which is S5.5022. I have had no problems with previous maps or updates.
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