One 3rd no SD slot BootLoaderVersion=5 would like to add mor   

One 3rd no SD slot BootLoaderVersion=5 would like to add mor

Postby doshow » Sat Jun 19, 2010 11:08 pm

Can I get the details on how to add more memory to the One?

TomTom 920 with Nav 9.051 emu x50 Map 850.2781 and Tomplayer
TomTom One 3rd Nav 8.412 Map 850.2781 w/ SD solder mod
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Postby Downunder35m » Sun Jun 20, 2010 1:56 am

There are now several tutorials for the dismantling of TT devices and on how to add a SD card to a ONE 3rd in the tutorial section
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Postby doshow » Sun Jun 20, 2010 3:04 pm

About the One and adding a SD; there are no other details needed like specific models, firmware or which type of SD works or doesn't work? Any SD or One 3rd will work?
Do you just solder the SD to the TT board and nothing else e.g. format FAT16, FAT32?

If the SD is formatted fat32 and blank can you just hook it up to Home it will load an app and then I load a map, activate/patch and we're good to go?
TomTom 920 with Nav 9.051 emu x50 Map 850.2781 and Tomplayer
TomTom One 3rd Nav 8.412 Map 850.2781 w/ SD solder mod
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Postby Downunder35m » Sun Jun 20, 2010 3:50 pm

If you have the solder points than it should work.
It might be restricted to a few serail numbers though but I have no info on the exact serials.
You can also check at [Please Register or Login to download file] .
If your device looks like the one in the pictures it should be no problem - if you have a different layout or no solder points at all than you should forget it.
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Postby doshow » Sun Jun 20, 2010 5:45 pm

Well I tried it and no go, I used a 8gb HC SD and think maybe that's a problem. I read somewhere that the SD HC not being compatable, so I'm head'n down to buy a non-HC SD.
I also read that the bootloader needs to be 5.5022 on Opentom, I found mine at 5.5001. So if the Opentom ariticle is correct do I up the bootloader...if I do, do you have any info or details on how I should do this? My understanding is you just copy the "system" file to root and boot the TT.

Thanks for the help! As always your time and information is greatly appreciated!!

Well I'm back, the SD 2gb non-HC works. So now I need to find out if up-rev'n the boot will allow me more memory 4 or 8 gb. And do I have to stay away from the HC if I up the boot?
TomTom 920 with Nav 9.051 emu x50 Map 850.2781 and Tomplayer
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Postby Downunder35m » Mon Jun 21, 2010 1:50 am

A bootloader 5.5112, 5.5120 and 5.5128 should work fine and gives you full support for SDHC cards.
You simply copy the corresponding file "system" to the root of your device and after the next reboot the bootloader will be installed.
In most Navcores (.CAB or SE) you will find a "bootloaderversion.txt" which tells you the version number of the bootloader included in the pack.
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Postby doshow » Mon Jun 21, 2010 5:52 am

Well I up'd the bootloader to 5.5128 and re-tried the 8gb SDHC and no go. That sucks! I checked and re-checked my work and reviewed the ttgo.bif and my boatoader is 5.5128 for sure. I also tried the SDHC on the computer to make sure it wasn't an issue and it works fine.
I really thought we were on to something. I must be missing something...this really sucks, 2gb is okay but I really wanted to see 4gb at least. Thanks for helping me, if you think of anything let me're support is awesome!
TomTom 920 with Nav 9.051 emu x50 Map 850.2781 and Tomplayer
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Postby Downunder35m » Mon Jun 21, 2010 8:21 am

If it really is a problem with SDHC it would surprise me but from Sandisk you still get normal SD cards with 4GB if that is of any help.
They are only a few bucks anyway.
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Postby kersh » Tue Jun 22, 2010 2:55 am

Hello Chaps / Chapesses,
I too have a One V3, with internal (soldered in) memory. I'm running a 4Gb microSDHC in an adaptor with no problems at all.
I installed the Mirielle Edition Nav9 beta on top of an original XL navcore 9.051 (i think it was an XL one... Will check tonight).
I forgot about the bootloader upgrade thing, so my bootloader made a rather scary jump from 5.5138 to 5.5237 but it's running fine an is stable as any other i've tried.
So I've got:
Bootloader: 5.5237
Navcore: 9.051 (mirielle edition) (i.e. NC9+ME+v1.0.0-pre6)
Maps: 845/850

all running fine with 4Gb MicroSDHC. TTS, IQ Routes, ALG etc etc

But.... I've got a question for you all too:
I've read somewhere that you can dual boot this bad boy with a switch on one of the SD card linking wires, I thought it was the CD-1 link wire (from the tutorial) (I've left WP-2 link wire out, as suggested elsewhere)
and i've installed a small switch in the base, but so far it doesn't work..... Maybe it's not that wire? Anyone know any ideas?
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Postby Downunder35m » Tue Jun 22, 2010 3:27 am

I heard something about that too, but I have no detailed info on it.
What I heard as another solution is to "cut" a little slot into the case to allow the adaptor to stick out a tiny bit - that way you can remove the micro SD and it is easier to use a crad reader with that solution.
But again : I can not provide detailed info or picture :(
So if anyone tries one of the solutions and it works fine please leave some pictures here :)
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Postby doshow » Tue Jun 22, 2010 11:45 pm

Downunder35m wrote:If it really is a problem with SDHC it would surprise me but from Sandisk you still get normal SD cards with 4GB if that is of any help.
They are only a few bucks anyway.

I ordered a 4gb today, hopefully it'll work.
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Postby kersh » Wed Jun 23, 2010 12:56 am

Well, I've been having a bit of a play with my TomTom V3, and If it helps you decide, the 8Gb SDHC cards don't work in mine either (all 4Gb ones seem too).
I've now upgraded two V3's to 4GB Micro SDHC, Bootloader 5.5237, Navcore 9.051 Mirielle Edition (beta6). And also a ONE V4 to Bootloader 5.5237, Navcore 9.051 Mirielle Edition (beta6). All are running fine with TTS, IQ & ALG, new Shiny graphics and 3 box status bar (from the TomTom Start etc).
So there seems to be something about those 8Gb cards that don't want to run :-( Sad really, but i'll keep trying.
For anyone wanting to upgrade their memory in a TomTom One V3, If you can find an old Floppy Drive (remember those) Cable, It's the perfect pitch to pick up on the solder points on your motherboard.
Their seems to be two types, one is single strand type that has some nasty coated wire in it and solder just will not stick, tried over heating, scraping,flux... still no joy.
The other is a multi-strand version that solder loves, so keep looking until you find one of these!!.
Forgot to look at which version 9.051 i used will keep you posted.

Cheers Kersh
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Postby doshow » Wed Jun 23, 2010 1:51 am

That is awesome information kersh, I'm sure many will benifit from that.
TomTom 920 with Nav 9.051 emu x50 Map 850.2781 and Tomplayer
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just a few experiences with expanding the memory of a TomTom

Postby RJ45 » Tue Jun 07, 2011 7:44 pm

Just sharing some strange experiences on this subject:

With the assumtion that a soldered SD-card in a friend's TomTom ONE V3 would "replace" the internal 512MB, I soldered a nice, new 4GB SDHC card, with a working NavCore 8.412 and map on it.
(navcore 8.412, small map, fastactivate. All on the internal 512MB. Tested it: OK. transferred it via USB to the 4GB SDHC (wich was in my PC's cardreader))
Deleted everything on the internal 512MB, soldered the 4GB SDHC in the device with a nice, sleek, ribbon-cable, made the CD-GND-connection. (thanks to OpenTOMTOM, who have a nice [Please Register or Login to download file] on their website)
Reseted the TomTom... Bootloader starts, but instead of the yellow progress-bar, I got a red blinking cross, indicating there is nothing to read.
How strange. The bootloader is 5.5128 so SDHC shouldnt be a problem.
After lots, resets, flashclears, CD on/off switching and cursing, I never got it booting from the just added SDHC-card.
At this point, I assumed the TomTom just didn't "see" the SDHC-card for whatever reason, also because when connecting to a PC with the USBcable it just showed the empty internal 512MB.
At last I copied the backup (only difference: older map) back to the internal 512MB and guess what...

The TomTom booted from the INTERNAL 512MB and came up with THE MAP wich was on the 4GB SDHC-card !

Although this system works, as a whole, right now, its worthless because the content of the 4GB SDHC-card cant be changed because its never accessable from the outside, unless its de-soldered, contacts made clean and put in a cardreader.
Also, I have no idea wich files it exactly uses from the internal 512MB and wich from the SDHC-card.
Also, after removing the CD(Card Detect?)-connection its still working the same way.
The drivename wich you see when you connect the TomTom to the PC is from the SDHC-card, but the content is from the internal 512MB !

If this is all normal and the way it was ment to be by TomTom, I find it strange that no sources mention that its TRIVIAL to use an MicroSD-adapter and for every map-update the device need to be opened...

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Postby Squid_Vicious » Fri Jul 08, 2011 3:47 pm

I've just upgraded the other half's oldish One V3 from 512mb to a Micro-SD 8GB, worked like a charm. Soldered a Micro-SD Adapter onto the solder points as per tutorials .Untouched bootloader, used an SE from this site and followed the sticky how-to's without a hitch. Runs as well as it could I suppose, have western Europe, UK and ROI along with France and Iberian detailed maps with plenty room to spare. Will come in handy as we are doing a UK/Spain/Portugal round trip soon of around 3500 miles hence the need for the extra memory.
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