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please help with tomtom for medion e3212

Mon Dec 19, 2011 11:24 pm

Hi, sorry for posting on all sides but I have not yet familiar with the forum and you, as I am from another country, sorry if Puder offend with something I do or say.
I need lots and lots of help with medion pna e3212 m10, I have followed many tutorials and even what fatboyfun taught me but I can not install or unlock my medion, we would appreciate your help and cooperation.
Best regards ..

Tue Dec 20, 2011 1:37 am

Fatboyfun will be the 1 to help you here also.

Tue Dec 20, 2011 7:17 am

What are you stuck on?

Wed Dec 21, 2011 11:20 pm

hola fatboyfun, estoy atascado y muy atascado.
gracias por tu ayuda de antemano, te explico el problema que tengo, espero que no te moleste.
Bien he seguido este tutorial :LINK REMOVED, en los dos modelos, ya uqe no se si mi gps es 150 o 350, y no consigo nada, excepto que el modo pda se quede durante unos segundos en pantalla y vuelva a salir el menu original del gps.
luego realice este otro tutorial:LINK REMOVED, y tampoco pude hacer nada por que encuentro el archivo fhsell.
luego segui este otro tutorial:LINK REMOVED
Lo unico que puede con seguir con todo esto es dejar unos segundos la pantalla pda y dejarla fija en modo pda pero sin poder resetearla ni poner tomtom, tambien segui tu instrucciones pero no las entendi bien y el gps no se bloqueaba.Necesito que me ayudes, lo que quiero es convertir mi medion en pda y poner tomtom y todos los navegadores posibles asi como videos y musica ect..., y talvez ponerle el menu del gps guepard multimedia.
mi medion es este:
modelo: e3212 m10
ean: 24013833
windows ce core 5.0.
perdon por causar molestias pero estoy desesperado ya que necesito mucha ayuda y os lo agradeceria muchisimo..
pdt: este gps tiene dos botones.1 en la parte superior que resetea o apaga.
y el otro esta en la parte trasera, que pone off y on sy lo apago me restaura archivos borrados del sistema.

Thu Dec 22, 2011 3:14 am

huski: I think you are going to have to re-do all that in English, as best you can.

Thu Dec 22, 2011 7:15 am

I honestly don't have a clue? Try Google translate.

Fri Dec 23, 2011 8:15 am

fatboyfun Hi, I'm stuck, very stuck.
thanks for your help in advance, I explain the problem I have, I hope you do not mind.
Well I followed this tutorial: LINK REMOVED!, in both models, and not uqe if my gps is 150 or 350, and get nothing, except that pda how to stay for a few seconds on the screen and back out the original menu gps.
then do this other tutorial: LINK REMOVED!, nor could do nothing to find the file fhsell.
then follow this other tutorial: LINK REMOVED!
The only thing you can to go through with this is to let a few seconds and let the screen pda pda mode set but could not reset it or put tomtom, also follow your instructions but not understood well and the GPS bloqueaba.Necesito not help me what I want is to turn in my medion pda and put tomtom and all possible browsers as well as videos and music ect ..., and maybe put the multimedia Guepard GPS menu.
my medion is this:
Model: e3212 m10
md: 96860
msn: 30008321
ean: 24013833
and / c: 06/08
p / n: 40024651
windows ce core 5.0.
forgiveness for causing trouble but I'm desperate and I need lots of help and I would really appreciate it ..
pdt: This GPS has two on top botones.1 which resets or off.
and the other is in the back, putting off and turn it off on me sy restore files deleted from the system.

Fri Dec 23, 2011 8:17 am

forgiveness to all, translated everything but copy what I wrote was not translated sorry

Fri Dec 23, 2011 9:40 am

I will look into it and get back to you...

Fri Dec 23, 2011 11:35 pm

Ok, are you able to put the device back to it's original condition? ie, as it was when you bought it...

And we'll start from the beginning.

Sat Dec 24, 2011 8:53 am

if fatboyfun, I can return to its original

Sat Dec 24, 2011 9:53 am

When booted, does the device display a menu, where you have to tap an icon to load the navigation application?

Mon Dec 26, 2011 12:04 pm

I do not understand what you explain, please especificame a little more

Tue Dec 27, 2011 1:18 pm

if I have to click an icon to access the browser

Tue Dec 27, 2011 1:25 pm

on the main screen shown me 4 applications.
1 Application for GPS.
2 application for the clock.
3 application for photos
4 application for travel guide.

and the bottom of the screen is the button to access to setting
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