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POI alarm question ?

Sun Jun 12, 2011 4:27 pm

Hi all ,
I would like to ask you if there is some way to add one sound alarm for a few speed cameras .
My idea is to do it at one time ,not to choose each specificular speed camera and the sound ,they are too much :( and i takes me too much time to add alarm to each speed cam after preintalation of the tomtom .
I will be grateful if somebody help me.
Thank you.
All best !

Sun Jun 12, 2011 4:47 pm

acho01 wrote:Hi all ,
I would like to ask you if there is some way to add one sound alarm for a few speed cameras .
My idea is to do it at one time ,not to choose each specificular speed camera and the sound ,they are too much :( and i takes me too much time to add alarm to each speed cam after preintalation of the tomtom .
I will be grateful if somebody help me.
Thank you.
All best !

I have never seen a way to add a single alert for a batch of TT or 3rd party cams.
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