I have a Go 730, standard navcore, updated map from here (North America 870.3406.
I have patched everything, gps works, home works, voices work, map works.
I went to TomTom and found a POI tour that I wanted (Yellowstone), I installed it
and it didn't work? I then reran the patchers, still doesn't work? Any suggestions?
Follow these simple instructions to download this tour to your TomTom device.
Download TomTom OV2 File - this zipped file contains a listing of all the tour locations and their names as well as POI icons.
Save the files to your TomTom device. When you connect your device to your computer via the USB cable, it will show up as a new drive in "My Computer". Open this drive and locate the map directory. Export the .ov2 and .bmp files to this directory. So copy both files unzipped in the map folder!!!
Enable POI's on your TomTom Device. Finally, enable POI's on your TomTom device and select them in your POI categories. The tour's locations will now be displayed on your screen in both 3D maps and 2D maps. (Even if you choose not to display POI's on screen, you can also "navigate to" your POI's, find POI's near your location etc.)
Enable your TomTom to display the tour locations. To do this, go to Preferences and select Manage POI. Select the tour locations you just installed to enable them.