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No postcode .tlv? in zip folder does it matter?

Wed Feb 18, 2015 7:42 am

Hi I've followed the tutorials and updated my 8 year old tomtom start for the first time, many many thanks to all the people that did all this work! and to the forum..
Anyway so i now have a new map of uk , updated speedcameras (havent checked in real world yet) and i ve put the uk postcodes in the zip file.
All seems to be working but i did notice my backed up files have a Great_Britain.tlv file which i havent got on my tomtom, should i :
1. leave it and not worry about it
2. move my old one back accross to tomtom
3. something else

many thanks

Re: No postcode .tlv? in zip folder does it matter?

Wed Feb 18, 2015 1:17 pm

The TLV files contain addition info that is displayed on the screen as well as the filenames that go with it.
If all is working you can leave it alone, if you feel the need to have it complete copy the TLV from your backup to the device.

Re: No postcode .tlv? in zip folder does it matter?

Wed Feb 18, 2015 3:00 pm

Cool, thanks for your help

Re: No postcode .tlv? in zip folder does it matter?

Wed Feb 18, 2015 3:03 pm

There are only 2 files, .postal & .ver, in our Postcode downloads, which we get direct from TomTom.com.
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