Problems with download from   

Problems with download from

Postby rmdeboer » Tue Oct 09, 2012 8:17 am


Maybe i'm really dumb or something, since I did read the download instruction:

Scroll toward the bottom of the page, that opens, until you see "The visitorpassword that you have entered is wrong" notice.
Below this notice, is a gray box titled Visitorpassword. Type navitotal in the gray box & click enter.

The problem is that I just don't see the "The visitorpassword that you have entered is wrong" notice?? I don't see the gray box either?? Tried with firefox,chrome and IE.

A little help would be very appreciated...

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Postby Downunder35m » Tue Oct 09, 2012 9:31 am

Help how if we have no idea what link you are talking about?
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Postby rmdeboer » Tue Oct 09, 2012 9:53 am

All the links in general in Thread: 895 Map Collections ONLY!!! to

The maps I wanted:
Europe_Central_895_4446 with Automatic Installer & Patcher
Benelux_895_4447 with Automatic Installer & Patcher
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Postby Downunder35m » Tue Oct 09, 2012 10:58 am

Than it is is your system as for all members including me the links work fine.
As far as I could see the password function is disabled so that explains the missing box ;)
And the links for the maps you mentioned work just fine here.
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Postby rmdeboer » Tue Oct 09, 2012 11:30 am

:D well, it isn't my system, it was an option, but today at work I still not able to get the files I wan't...

and yes, i did turned it off/on :P

any more ideas? All the links I see are werid iLiVid links...
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Postby Downunder35m » Tue Oct 09, 2012 12:10 pm

I suggest you pay more attention to what is shown on your screen, if you end up at ilivid you are clicking on ads and not links.
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Postby tendriver » Tue Oct 09, 2012 1:38 pm

rmdeboer wrote:Hi,

Maybe i'm really dumb or something, since I did read the download instruction:

Scroll toward the bottom of the page, that opens, until you see "The visitorpassword that you have entered is wrong" notice.
Below this notice, is a gray box titled Visitorpassword. Type navitotal in the gray box & click enter.

The problem is that I just don't see the "The visitorpassword that you have entered is wrong" notice?? I don't see the gray box either?? Tried with firefox,chrome and IE.

A little help would be very appreciated...


Go back & read ALL of the Download instructions, then scroll down to the Europe_Central_895_4446 with Automatic Installer & Patcher link & the Benelux_895_4447 with Automatic Installer & Patcher link. Read the notice included in those link groups.
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Postby crackerv » Tue Nov 13, 2012 11:46 am

rmdeboer, just wondering if you sorted the problem but I am having the same problem as yours, with firefox 12.

I am trying to download the latest UK map as I am heading over there in 3 weeks time for a month or so.

I have also read the instructions like you (many times) and am unable to get the file. Like you I must be thick....

du35m sometimes you can be very critical (as per some of your austech forum replies) I am unsure what you mean by

''As far as I could see the password function is disabled so that explains the missing box"'.

Please can someone help me, must be an age thing - when you get to 3 score + tech things that were dead simple seem to become much harder.

Will go back to download instructions and keep trying. If anyone can hlp or PM me an idiots guide, I would really appreciate it. I have GO730 64mb with latest aussie maps, navcore etc.

Thanks all :scratch_one-s_head_
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Postby Downunder35m » Tue Nov 13, 2012 12:19 pm

I might be critical at times and some people even may go as far as calling it rude,
but there is usually a reason for it ;)
And Austech is a topic of it's own, as I would not have gone back there if not for the users!
Some think that the mods and other "high profile" users are better than the normal user, but that is not the case -we only have more experience and know most of the tricks needed for our systems.
Keep in mind that all you find in the forum is for free.
Having said that, you might know that it is often quite hard to keep links alive and working - that is where the link protection comes into place.
The more popular a foru is, the more it is being watched.
Without the link protection our links would be dead in a few days!

I posted it many times already, but here we go again:
We sometimes refer to Jdownloader (for users with massive problems) because you only have to copy and paste the link from the forum - JD will do the rest, including decrypting the protected links.
JD will prompt you for all passwords and you won't have problems with the ads.
For manual downloads in general:
Pay attention on the instruction insde the posting, sometimes you'll find hints that are useful, if nothing is mentioned it is a "standard" download.
Most users get confused for simple reasons:
a) no idead what they are actually doing
b) not enough experience with downloading protected content
c) not enough attention while trying to download
Since there are prefered services for almost any uploader a user needs to be flexible!
If files are password protected, usually the download itself is too.
First step after clicking on a download link is to check whether it goes direct to a hoster or not.
If the link is protected you will see a box that somewhere says "password", a captcha or some other form of validation.
If in the top right or left corner it says "skip advertisement" you know it can't be the download and you must skip the ad with the button to get to the actual link(s).
Almost all problems are founded on the grounds that a user simply clicks on everything else but the button to get to the download.
Firefox and some other browser will show you the address of a link in the statusbar - that can be used to check for ads too ;)
In general you will never find our files on the usenet or by using loadnext - if you see that you know for sure you clicked the wrong button!
For multiple files we offer DLC or other container files - so use JD or a link decrypter like to get to the contents of a container file if you have problems using the normal links.
Some mods and uploaders already started offering torrents for files that are known to be of a short lifespan, but this won't be the case for maps, voices or other content that might change on a regular base.

We know that some users have problems doing the right thing with the downloads, but you can trust me if I say:
It really is not as hard as you might think! All it takes is some attention and common sense before clicking onto something.
It is impossible for us to provide direct links as there is not one hoster that would not delete copyright protected material after being reported.
A download area is out of the question at this stage as we already know from prevoius tries it will be misused by those who have access and refused by those that don't want to pay for access - but NT can not afford a dedicated download server that is abused by collectors that think they have download everything in that area.

I hope this clears things up a bit without sounding to rude ;)
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Postby dieselman » Tue Nov 13, 2012 11:06 pm

a small tip to avoid adverts, especially ilivid. use firefox browser and google "adblock for firefox" takes 30 seconds to install and you will not see annoying adverts ever again, to deceive you clicking on something you dont want or need.
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Postby crackerv » Wed Nov 14, 2012 12:15 am

Thank you for your post and help, I have succesfully downloaded the required exe file, copying and pasting using jdownloader. I had already tried that course of action, but got caught up with a faulty update with that products procedure. Retried and all OK now.

Thanks again. :dance:
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