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Question about updating a tomtom one v4

Fri Sep 20, 2013 6:07 pm


I am about to upload the maps on my TomTom One, v4.
DeviceName=TomTom ONE
DeviceVersionHW=ONE (v4)

When I put in a blank 2GB SD-Card and connected it to TomTom Home, it installed a new navcore. When I removed the SD-card the old navcore and maps were on the TomTom.

My question:
Is it possible to install a new navcore + maps on the SD-card only? And when I patch things, is only the version on the SD-card affected? And when I remove the SD-card, will I have the old install still working?

Also, which version of navcore and western-europe maps would you advice?

Thanks in advance,

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Super Mod.

Fri Sep 20, 2013 6:15 pm

Moojuic3 wrote:My question:
1. Is it possible to install a new navcore + maps on the SD-card only?
2. And when I patch things, is only the version on the SD-card affected?
3. And when I remove the SD-card, will I have the old install still working?

1. Yes.
2. Yes.
3. Yes.
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