jaaa1976 wrote:App 9.058.568435.1, OS 541764 (25/8/2010)
(25/8/2010) 64 MB RAM (free; 14.4 MB)
GPS v1.20, Boot 5.529 united kingdom v 850.2781
tendriver wrote:9.058 is the current official navcore for your device. KEEP IT!! You won't do any better with another version. Update your map, then patch navcore & map with FastActivate ENG 29.05.2011 {} Premium version & you are good to go.
jaaa1976 wrote:Ok.thanks.I have left 3 months live service.Will im loose live service if Im update new map?
jaaa1976 wrote:Ok.thanks.I have left 3 months live service.Will im loose live service if Im update new map?
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