Sun Aug 04, 2013 9:19 pm
I have a Rider 2 NavCore 7.901
Western Europe Maps V830.2307
How can i restore this to its orginal configuration , a mate of mine updated and patched the maps some time ago but has now moved
I tried to purchase a upgrade maps from tomtom but it wont let me.
I have the original SD Card with Maps 715 1703
Can i just insert the original SD card in and boot up ?
Or if this fail can i still use my old SD card that got the 830 maps on ? if it all goes wrong
Thanks for any help
Sun Aug 04, 2013 9:37 pm
Why would you want to restore it to its original configuration?I'm using Downunders rider navcore 9.500 for 32mb ram with memory boost with the latest full feature maps on my rider 2. This works brilliantly, just have a good read of the tutorials for all the information you need and it's all free.
Sun Aug 04, 2013 11:07 pm
woodyflyer wrote:I have a Rider 2 NavCore 7.901
Western Europe Maps V830.2307
How can i restore this to its orginal configuration , a mate of mine updated and patched the maps some time ago but has now moved
I tried to purchase a upgrade maps from tomtom but it wont let me.
I have the original SD Card with Maps 715 1703
Can i just insert the original SD card in and boot up ?
Or if this fail can i still use my old SD card that got the 830 maps on ? if it all goes wrong
If the original SD Card with Map 715 1703 has never been altered, it should boot up with no problem.
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