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Rider3 app on non_Rider and old Rider devices->How to switch

Fri May 20, 2011 9:44 am

I've installed using the tutorial... and it's PERFECT.. even my Nolan N-Com works flawlessly! Great Job by bmwdriver

I've loaded Europe_870_3460..And then loaded Italia_870.3406 and Iberia_870.3417

But I only get the Europe Map in the About screen... and can't find where to swap map...

Can I only have one map on SD Card?

Fri May 20, 2011 3:43 pm

Cristóvão Morgado wrote:I've installed using the tutorial... and it's PERFECT.. even my Nolan N-Com works flawlessly! Great Job by bmwdriver
I've loaded Europe_870_3460..And then loaded Italia_870.3406 and Iberia_870.3417
But I only get the Europe Map in the About screen... and can't find where to swap map...
Can I only have one map on SD Card?

Confirm that there is a meta.dct file in all 3 map folders.

Fri May 20, 2011 3:52 pm

Yes they are :)

Strangly I don't get a "choose map" option anywhere :D

Fri May 20, 2011 4:49 pm

Cristóvão Morgado wrote:Yes they are :)

Strangly I don't get a "choose map" option anywhere :D

I have navcore 9.205 on a GO. It is set for Rider 3/Urban Rider. There are 7 pages of "options". The Switch map option is on option page 3.

Fri May 20, 2011 4:55 pm

I have "Urban Rider Special Edition"
App: 9.205.547817.1, OS 547200
On PAge Options 3 of 6 I get:
Map Corrections, Change map Colours, tomtom services, Manage POIs and Street name preferences


Sat May 21, 2011 9:01 am

You could try the custom menu from the tutorials...

Sat May 21, 2011 9:41 am

Cristóvão Morgado wrote:But I only get the Europe Map in the About screen... and can't find where to swap map...

Yes, you are right. The new RiderNC doesnt have one.
To switch the map you could
- delete the file "currentmap.dat"
- creating a buttom to do it
- travel to the other country and do nothing. The NC will recognize it and switch automaticly.
(italy -> iberia) As europe contains both countries it will not switch.

Do NOT use the custom menues. There are no rider configurations possible.

I would not recommend to use europe map. Use small maps. Save RAM.
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