Is there a reason to update my navcore?   

Is there a reason to update my navcore?

Postby Quincy » Sun Feb 03, 2013 12:41 pm

Recently the super TT team here helped me get my TTONE V4 up and going with new maps. I still have navcore 7.903 on it. I am thinking of updating to 8.010, but am wondering if I even need to do so. What will doing so really improve? Given the issues I had doing the update, I'd as soon not mess with a good thing right now, but if updating the navcore will really give me some new features or something, I'll do it.
When other software is updated usually you can find some sort of list of what is changed from the previous version. I can't find that for navcores.
Anyway, appreciate any input. And kudos again to the super folks here who help out.
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Postby tendriver » Sun Feb 03, 2013 3:44 pm

Quincy wrote:1. Recently the super TT team here helped me get my TTONE V4 up and going with new maps.
2. I still have navcore 7.903 on it. I am thinking of updating to 8.010, but am wondering if I even need to do so. What will doing so really improve?
3. Given the issues I had doing the update, I'd as soon not mess with a good thing right now,
4. but if updating the navcore will really give me some new features or something, I'll do it.
5. When other software is updated usually you can find some sort of list of what is changed from the previous version. I can't find that for navcores.
Anyway, appreciate any input.
6. And kudos again to the super folks here who help out.

1. A repeat of Point 1 in Post 6 of your Just can't get map install to work thread. 1. Let's get your unit up & running with 7.903, then we can look at a newer navcore.
2. Forget 8.010. You will gain nothing with it. I suggest that you take a look at Downunder's Navcore 9.430 for most models and/or his [color=red]Navcore 9.485 for most devices[/color].
3. Alleviate your fears by making a cut & paste backup of you current setup.
4. You will get a whole new look in the menu, as well as the ability to use a more detailed map.
5. lists the major changes in new navcores.
6. Again you are Welcome.
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Postby Downunder35m » Sun Feb 03, 2013 7:30 pm

The main reason for my Navcores is to give oldies like yours a new lease of life.
Having more emulations for devices that can use the Navcore by default anyway is just a bonus.
Biggest problem on old devices is usually the limit of 32mb RAM.
You need a very well tuned SE Navcore to get a V8 Navcore running on it and most new users can't be bothered tweaking a device for days.
My Navcores offer Memory Boost for 32mb devices, basically the same like the outsourced folder on an SE Navcore but much more efficient.
If getting from A to B the main use of the TT and you don't need computer voices or extras like ALG and Housenumbers, the old original Navcore will do just fine.
But if you like to have the latest features, a better and clearer map image and don't mind to test a few things, just make a full backup using Windows Explorer and play with the V9 Navcores.
You like it, you keep it, if not simply delete all from the device and put the backup on - you are back where you left it and all is working the same ;)
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Postby Quincy » Sun Feb 03, 2013 11:07 pm

Thank you both. I guess in the end, as you say, as long as I do my backup the worst that can happen is I end up back here.
Just to make sure I launch in the correct direction:
1. I will download the navcore, extract the files, and copy all the files to the TTONE, overwriting the existing files
2. then disconnect and restart. Any need to fastactivate?
I have an SD slot that is currently empty. Would it help w/ the memory issues or make the new navcore run better if I put a card in there? It's not RAM memory, so I'm not sure if it will do me any good.
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Postby Downunder35m » Mon Feb 04, 2013 4:17 am

1. Backup first
2. Delete all except the ttgo.bif and the folders "voices", "LoquendoTTS", the map folder and your personal folders, e.g. for pics, MP3
This will make sure you no interfering files left on your system
3. Download the Navcore and unpack to your device, you will either need a SE version, which means you also need the SE ttsystem, or one my Navcores in the Navcore section with Memory Boost.
4. If the map is already activated there is no need to do so again, same for voices and speedcams.

With my MB versions you can expect 6-8mb of free Ram during normal use.
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Postby tendriver » Mon Feb 04, 2013 5:42 am

Quincy wrote:1. I will download the navcore, extract the files, and copy all the files to the TTONE, overwriting the existing files
2. then disconnect and restart. Any need to fastactivate?
3. I have an SD slot that is currently empty. Would it help w/ the memory issues or make the new navcore run better if I put a card in there? It's not RAM memory, so I'm not sure if it will do me any good.

1. Correct!! Downunder prefers to do a semi-clean installation. I prefer the overwrite method. In case of a very, very rare issue with overwriting, which I have never had, we can go back and do a semi-clean install. Once you are up & running with an updated navcore, we can look at loading a new map. The 905 Edition maps will be released in the next couple of weeks.
2. Correct!! No Fastactivate required, provided you use a pre-patched navcore & your current patched map.
3. No it will not help at all. A SD card is only storage memory. The only reason to use it, is if a navcore/map/extras combination is too big to fit on the internal. Keep in mind that the internal & external cannot be used together. This means that you must use a complete setup on the internal OR a complete setup on the internal.
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