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Tom Tom One 140

Wed Nov 16, 2011 7:20 am

I live in Australia, and have a TomTom One 140.
I want to install maps for the US and Canada on my GPS.
It doesn't have a SD card.
I know there are many methods to do this (as i read about a few on this site), however my question is:
How can i go about installing and having the maps for USA and Canada and not permanently losing my Australian maps? Do i need to back up ALL of the files on the GPS? Do i just move the files from the GPS to my external hard drive? Once i have finished using the USA and Canada maps, can i just delete them and place my Australian maps back on?
Is it as easy as it sounds or is it more complicated than that?
Any help and instructions along with maps for the US and Canada, is much much appreciated.


Wed Nov 16, 2011 10:48 am

rahulshankar wrote:Hi,
I live in Australia, and have a TomTom One 140.
I want to install maps for the US and Canada on my GPS.
It doesn't have a SD card.
I know there are many methods to do this (as i read about a few on this site), however my question is:
1. How can i go about installing and having the maps for USA and Canada and not permanently losing my Australian maps? Do i need to back up ALL of the files on the GPS? Do i just move the files from the GPS to my external hard drive? Once i have finished using the USA and Canada maps, can i just delete them and place my Australian maps back on?
Is it as easy as it sounds or is it more complicated than that?
Any help and instructions along with maps for the US and Canada, is much much appreciated.


1. To use a map that didn't come directly from TT, you must patch the map & your navcore. If you wish to keep your current setup untouched, make a backup (copy & paste) of it. Remove the AU map folder from the unit. Copy a USA&C map folder into the unit. Patch this setup with FastActivate 23.10.2011 {} Premium. When you return home, remove everything from the unit & copy you backup into it. Done.

Sun Nov 20, 2011 11:34 am

I've done what you've written, however once i finish the process and after i have finished patching the file, once i unplug the gps from my computer and switch it back on it says " Map- xxx not recognized by device"
Any ideas on what i can do, to remedy this?

Sun Nov 20, 2011 12:03 pm

Ok, so tried installing a new australia map and the US and Canada map that i wanted.
It says " You cannot use this map on this device: USA_and_Canada-308".
What am i doing wrong here??

Sun Nov 20, 2011 3:05 pm

rahulshankar wrote:Hi,
I've done what you've written, however once i finish the process and after i have finished patching the file, once i unplug the gps from my computer and switch it back on it says " Map- xxx not recognized by device"
Any ideas on what i can do, to remedy this?

This usually indicates that the navcore is not patched.

rahulshankar wrote:Ok, so tried installing a new australia map and the US and Canada map that i wanted.
It says " You cannot use this map on this device: USA_and_Canada-308".
What am i doing wrong here??

This usually indicates that the map is not patched.

Go here: TomTom Current Config for newbies {29.09.2011} Read the instructions. Download & run the app. Post the results here.

Tue Nov 22, 2011 1:54 am

Hi tendriver
sorry for interrupting this forum
I have the same issue here are my results, please help
DeviceName=TomTom ONE P
DeviceVersionHW=ONE (v7)
Not Found...
Not Found...
Not Found...

Tue Nov 22, 2011 2:26 am

6srrj wrote:I have the same issue

What map are you trying to use?

Thu Nov 24, 2011 10:48 pm

Thanks! Got both maps to work! It's great.
One question though, how do i install speed cameras and radars to the maps?
I'm looking to do this for Australia map : 880_3810 and USA/Canada map : 865_3261.
Many thanks!

Thu Nov 24, 2011 11:17 pm

rahulshankar wrote:Thanks! Got both maps to work! It's great.
One question though, how do i install speed cameras and radars to the maps?
I'm looking to do this for Australia map : 880_3810 and USA/Canada map : 865_3261.
Many thanks!

Maybe read the instructions in TomTom Official Speedcams 24.11.11 post 1.
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