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tom tom one IQ routes

Sun Feb 13, 2011 3:33 pm

got myself a very cheap tom tom one IQ routes off a well know auction site
its boxed as a UK &ROI but has europe maps on
its details are 9053/5209 western central europe 825.2157 boot 5.5316 64mb ram 2gig internal hard drive

when i connect to tom tom home it updates everything no problem and dosen't give any error message about the software which leads me to think it hasn't been patched, however the map has DCT files for the map and speed cams(but the speed cams are not showing up when i do a route demo

so i want to try and get the speed cams working without having to patch the map or software would like to leave it as it come if thats how it still is

Sun Feb 13, 2011 9:53 pm

combat goofwing wrote:got myself a very cheap tom tom one IQ routes off a well know auction site
its boxed as a UK &ROI but has europe maps on
its details are 9053/5209 western central europe 825.2157 boot 5.5316 64mb ram 2gig internal hard drive

when i connect to tom tom home it updates everything no problem and dosen't give any error message about the software which leads me to think it hasn't been patched, however the map has DCT files for the map and speed cams(but the speed cams are not showing up when i do a route demo

so i want to try and get the speed cams working without having to patch the map or software would like to leave it as it come if thats how it still is

No can do. It's ALL patched or NONE patched. I suggest making a backup with windows cut & paste. Then put any navcore & map you desire on it, but don't change the bootloader. You can then put it back like it was at any time.

Mon Feb 14, 2011 12:10 am

Ok so ill just back it up.and then patch it all.so which navcore would it come with as standard is it 9053 that's on it now if so I think ill leave that on and just update the map and speed cams

Mon Feb 14, 2011 12:39 am

combat goofwing wrote:Ok so ill just back it up.and then patch it all.so which navcore would it come with as standard is it 9053 that's on it now if so I think ill leave that on and just update the map and speed cams

The ONE IQ original navcore was 8.410. 9.053 is the current official navcore.
Make a backup of the current setup. Replace the old map folder with the new. Add the cams & patch everything with: FastActivate ENG 09.01.2011 {1.8.03[color=red]}[/color] [color=red]Premium[/color]

Mon Feb 14, 2011 1:41 pm

thanks ill do that id like to add tt vocalizzer but i see its a 64 mb device so does that mean i use loqendo instead never used that before

Mon Feb 14, 2011 1:48 pm

combat goofwing wrote:thanks ill do that id like to add tt vocalizzer but i see its a 64 mb device so does that mean i use loqendo instead never used that before

Yes, you should be able to use LoquendoTTS, which you should be able to download & install with TT Home.

Mon Feb 14, 2011 3:33 pm

tried to download computer voices via tt home but its not a selectable option, do i need to put software on from here first , tried vocalizer tts but it doesn't see the voice i take it thats because its 64mb device,also because im leaving the device navcore as the one for this model am i correct in saying i dont have to bother with the ttgo.bak file for allowing it to use tom tom home

Tue Feb 15, 2011 2:12 am

combat goofwing wrote:tried to download computer voices via tt home but its not a selectable option, do i need to put software on from here first , tried vocalizer tts but it doesn't see the voice i take it thats because its 64mb device,also because im leaving the device navcore as the one for this model am i correct in saying i dont have to bother with the ttgo.bak file for allowing it to use tom tom home

Have you configured TT Home to recognize this unit?

Tue Feb 15, 2011 11:01 am

yes linked it to the account but it says that feature is not supported by the device

can i download it from this site and install?

Tue Feb 15, 2011 1:13 pm

combat goofwing wrote:yes linked it to the account but it says that feature is not supported by the device

can i download it from this site and install?

Try 1 other thing first. Download this 9.053.cab that supports TTS.

[Please Register or Login to download file]

Delete the ttsystem & system files in the .cab. Copy the rest into the ONE overwriting any common files. Disconnect & reboot. Reconnect & try to add a TTS voice.

Tue Feb 15, 2011 3:28 pm

will do do i try a vocalizer voice or a loqendo voice?

Tue Feb 15, 2011 3:46 pm

installed the navcore cab minus the files suggested , then tried both a tts vocalizer and a loquendo voice and neither show up in the voice options when trying to change the voice

Tue Feb 15, 2011 3:53 pm

combat goofwing wrote:1. will do do i try a vocalizer voice or a loqendo voice?

combat goofwing wrote:2. installed the navcore cab minus the files suggested , then tried both a tts vocalizer and a loquendo voice and neither show up in the voice options when trying to change the voice

1. You can't download VocalizerTTS voices with TT Home.
2. I presume you didn't attempt to download a LoquendoTTS voice with TT Home.
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