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tomtom map 870

Tue Jul 05, 2011 4:24 pm

After updating tomtom map (870) on go 930 unit says no map found, all files have been placed in the map folder with easy activate etc, have updated my maps several times before with out no problems.

Any help


Tue Jul 05, 2011 5:03 pm

ramonok wrote:After updating tomtom map (870) on go 930 unit says no map found, all files have been placed in the map folder with easy activate etc, have updated my maps several times before with out no problems.

Any help


"No map found" can be caused by an incompatible navcore & map setup, or an unpatched navcore or a double map folder, ie you open the 870 map folder and find only a single folder, which when opened contains all of the map files & folders.

Tue Jul 05, 2011 5:39 pm

...."in the map folder"?

Each map should be in a separate folder (plus remember you need to patch your navcore if you haven't done that before)

Wed Jul 06, 2011 6:46 pm

thanks for your comments although my navcore as been patched before and i have undated it along with the new map, the map i have downloaded was the one which tomtom home told me to buy etc, i have now placed my old map (860 patched) back on my tomtom and everything is OK with this, any more help with this one.
Thanks :wallbash:

Wed Jul 06, 2011 7:00 pm

ramonok wrote:thanks for your comments although my navcore as been patched before and i have undated it along with the new map, the map i have downloaded was the one which tomtom home told me to buy etc, i have now placed my old map (860 patched) back on my tomtom and everything is OK with this, any more help with this one.
Thanks :wallbash:

Open the 870 map folder & confirm you have both a .meta & a .meta.dct file in it.

Wed Jul 06, 2011 7:32 pm

Hi All again thanks for your support i think i know what's wrong i have just been on tomtom home and now it's telling me to buy a map number which is different from the the one i have installed and the one it told me to buy before, i will try to install that one and see what happens again thanks, if this works maybe it was blip on tomtom?.:yahoo::yahoo:

Wed Jul 06, 2011 8:29 pm

ramonok wrote:Hi All again thanks for your support i think i know what's wrong i have just been on tomtom home and now it's telling me to buy a map number which is different from the the one i have installed and the one it told me to buy before, i will try to install that one and see what happens again thanks, if this works maybe it was blip on tomtom?.:yahoo::yahoo:

You are making this hard on yourself by trying self help, rather than asking questions & waiting for answers. To date you have not posted what map & navcore is installed on your 930? NC 8.351 is the current GO 930 version.
You didn't answer the request in post 5!! It stands to reason, that if a patched 860 map runs ok, then either you have a navcore & map compatibility issue or the 870 map is not patched.
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