This map I downloaded contains 2 new files and a folder called brand I dont know what is,
could someone explain why or what I need them for, should I just delete them
folder brand with a file in called 7310_1
thomast wrote:Ok thx
Have som other questions. I found this map TomTom Maps of Western and Central Europe 855.2885(Multi) | 2.19 Gb
but meta says Europe v855.2885
68 FD 55 09 0D 8E 96 8F 70 89 48 FA 6F D2 E9 40 Europe-181.meta
Iam a bit confused Is this the Western and Central Europe or just the Europe map.
Is it worth getting this map over the Western and Central Europe 855.2884
thomast wrote:Found it here thx for reply
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