TomTom on Mio C250!!!!!!   

Postby Fatboyfun » Wed Apr 11, 2012 6:39 am

Check back later I'll give you some pointers...

You shouldn't need a reboot for these registry entries unless the game loads at boot.
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Postby Fatboyfun » Wed Apr 11, 2012 4:50 pm

Here are some examples of Mortscript registry creating...

("Hive", "Key", "Value")

RegWriteString ("HKCU", "ControlPanel\Desktop", "Wallpaper", "\My Flash Disk\Background.bmp")
RegWriteDWord ("HKCU", "ControlPanel\Volume", "Volume", "ffffffff")
RegWriteDWord ("HKLM", "Drivers\Console", "OutputTo", "ffffffff")

Also you can use either RegWriteString, RegWriteBinary, RegWriteDWord or RegWriteMultiString

To read from the registry you use something like...

Background = (RegRead ("HKLM", "ControlPanel\Desktop", "Wallpaper"))

This reads the data stored in the wallpaper value and stores it in a variable called Background, You can then write the variable into a text file by using...

IniWrite (SystemPath("ScriptPath")\Registry.ini", "Wallpaper", "Data", Background)

So to restore this data you would read the text file...

Background = (IniRead (SystemPath("ScriptPath")\Registry.ini", "Wallpaper", "Data"))

And then write the registry entries back...

RegWriteString ("HKCU", "ControlPanel\Desktop", "Wallpaper", Background)

You will need to do this for each registry value...
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Postby korg1 » Wed Apr 11, 2012 6:21 pm

Thanx for the help,but i am not an expert,so i can't really understand all of that....i was able to export the reg keys from one game,saved it in a reg file,but it really doesn't contain the activation code:


In registry it is shown as :


i searched all over registry to find where the game stores it in registry,but i could find anything.
Idon't thik the activation code is stored somewhere in registry,propably somewhere temporary within the game .

Would it be a better option if someone could make a script that will start after the game and autofill the activation form with the activation code?

for example: I have a pdamill game called ''corsair'' placed at : storage card\MioAutoRun\Games\CORSAIR\corsair.exe

the activation code for that game is : 3AEB91CC 017F6E37 454EC412

Can someone make an example script for importing automatically the serial into registry or autotype it when the game asks it ?
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Postby Fatboyfun » Wed Apr 11, 2012 8:00 pm

You may find the licence key is in encrypted format when stored in the registry, try resetting the device, restoring the registry and running the game to see if it's viable.

Mortscript does have a MouseClick command which emulates screen taps, this could be more tricky to set up than the registry
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Postby korg1 » Wed Apr 11, 2012 11:19 pm

The games play ok when i start them within igo amigo,no problem....because the lic files are present,but when i start them fom browser they always ask for activation...till now i can't find which key in registry has the activation...

OK,the key is one i said before...i saved a reg file with it,but when i double click it,it doesn't go to registry.As i said before mio c250 runs wince 5,due to firmware i can't import/export registry,install cab files,etc....through miopocket,i can add the reg file to registry normally,and the game works to import the reg file without using miopocket?too much trouble....i setted up an old wince 4.2 chinese pna more easy than this...this mio is too limited...
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Postby Fatboyfun » Thu Apr 12, 2012 5:35 am

Open each .reg file with NotePad and post here...
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Postby korg1 » Thu Apr 12, 2012 9:55 am

Thanx man,look at post 18.
I just confirmed the reg is working for the game....Just remember that without miopocket,i can't add a reg file in registry by double clicking on it on mio c250.
I will try to export the dll's needed from miopocket so it can be done on mio.
I am wondering how i could install net framework and a working winceload.exe so i can install applications easy on mio.....working on that
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Postby Fatboyfun » Thu Apr 12, 2012 10:05 am

Just use Mortscript to write the data into the registry, use the examples I gave above to format the exported registry data into a Mortscript command and add it to the startup script...
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Postby korg1 » Thu Apr 12, 2012 10:59 am

I am not sure how to do it. Can you make the first one script,and i can make the rest.use the reg info and path for the game that i wrote on post 18.Thank you very much!!!!!
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Postby Fatboyfun » Thu Apr 12, 2012 11:24 am

Ok check back later...
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Postby korg1 » Thu Apr 12, 2012 12:17 pm

Ok,don't bother with it,i found out how to export and import reg files.I borrowed 2 scripts from miopocket ''RegistryImport.mscr'' and ''RegistryBackup.mscr'',and now i am able to run reg files....i just need the command line to import a reg file located at storage card\MioAutoRun\Registry\example.reg
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Postby Fatboyfun » Thu Apr 12, 2012 12:33 pm

99.9% of those scripts you don't need, when I get to a PC I'll show you how to format a Mortscript command from the reg file so you can automate the whole process.
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Postby korg1 » Thu Apr 12, 2012 12:39 pm

Ok,thanx!!!! the meantime i will create some more games' pages for easy access
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Postby Fatboyfun » Thu Apr 12, 2012 3:53 pm

Ok, Here is a brief guide to the registry according to Mortscript...

Open the .reg file with Notepad and copy this info...


To convert these into Mortscript commands which look like these...

RegWriteDWord ("HKLM", "Software\lmadpil", "1055", "00000414")
RegWriteDWord ("HKLM", "Software\lmadpil", "1055_d", "45C2A2BB")

...use this formula...


RegWrite[color="#FFFF00"]TYPE[/color] ("[color="#FF0000"]HIVE[/color]", "[color="#00FF00"]KEY[/color]", "[color="#0000FF"]VALUE[/color]", "[color="#FF00FF"]DATA[/color]")

TYPE: Is the type of registry entry
HIVE: Is like the disc drive
KEY: Is like folders
VALUE: Is like files
DATA: Is like the data inside the file


{Nothing} = RegWriteString
dword = RegWriteDWord
hex = RegWriteBinary
hex(2) = RegWriteMultiString

Note that hex data entries when exported are in this format 00, AC, D0, C4. You will need to remove all punctuation in the Mortscript command, 00ACD0C4

Also each line highlighted below...

"1055_d"=dword:45C2A2BB a separate registry entry and needs it's own Mortscript command, So using the example given you would need to add these two lines to your startup script...

RegWriteDWord ("HKLM", "Software\lmadpil", "1055", "00000414")
RegWriteDWord ("HKLM", "Software\lmadpil", "1055_d", "45C2A2BB")

Doing it this way is EXACTLY the same as double clicking the .reg file but without the bloated scripts and can be quickly automated in a startup script!
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Postby korg1 » Thu Apr 12, 2012 6:34 pm

Thanx again works.The only problem is that i have to run mortscript.exe,before i run the script.mscr or the caller.exe

for example:
in the game's folder there is mortscript.exe,corsair1.mscr,corsair1.exe (the exe that starts the script) and the corsair.exe(the real game exe).
The script i use is:
Run ("\Storage Card\MioAutoRun\Scripts\RegistryImport.mscr" )

RegWriteDWord ("HKLM", "Software\lmadpil", "1055", "00000414")
RegWriteDWord ("HKLM", "Software\lmadpil", "1055_d", "45C2A2BB")

Run ("\Storage Card\MioAutoRun\Games\CORSAIR\CORSAIR.EXE" )

What am i doing wrong here?
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