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Thu Apr 12, 2012 6:55 pm

Remove the Run ("\Storage Card\MioAutoRun\Scripts\RegistryImport.mscr" ) line, it's not necessary.

I'm assuming on your device there is, as part of the unlock, a mortscript type startup script?

I would add all the registry commands to that script, so they're added as the device boots, so you can just run the game exe

Thu Apr 12, 2012 7:37 pm

ok,my mortscript at start up starts from flash disk and it points to ''start up.exe'' located at my storage card. i added as follow:
If ( FileExists( "\Storage Card\Skin\StartUp.exe" ) )
Run( "\Storage Card\Skin\StartUp.exe" )

RegWriteDWord ("HKLM", "Software\lmadpil", "1055", "00000414")
RegWriteDWord ("HKLM", "Software\lmadpil", "1055_d", "45C2A2BB")
RegWriteDWord ("HKLM", "Software\lmadpil", "1862", "00000733")
RegWriteDWord ("HKLM", "Software\lmadpil", "1862_d", "45c13bb7")

Run( "\My Flash Disk\MioMap\MioMap\MioMap1.exe" )

...but it seems that in registry,the values for the game are diferrent,that's why the game is still not activated.In registry now they appear as:

Thu Apr 12, 2012 7:57 pm

and if i run manually mortscript.exe and then run the same script,tha values go right and the game starts normally...i don't get what is wrong here

Thu Apr 12, 2012 8:07 pm

For some reason i don't know, there is a conversion from dec to hex or vice-versa, I don't know, my brain struggles with numbers..?

Try using these values...

RegWriteDWord ("HKLM", "Software\lmadpil", "1055", "00001044")
RegWriteDWord ("HKLM", "Software\lmadpil", "1055_d", "1170383547")
RegWriteDWord ("HKLM", "Software\lmadpil", "1862", "00001843")
RegWriteDWord ("HKLM", "Software\lmadpil", "1862_d", "1170291639")

Thu Apr 12, 2012 8:09 pm

korg1 wrote:and if i run manually mortscript.exe and then run the same script,tha values go right and the game starts normally...i don't get what is wrong here

I suspect different versions of Mortscript write registry entries differently.

Thu Apr 12, 2012 8:31 pm

Tried different versions already,still the same problem.The point is that whatever version i double click on it and then run the script,it goes ok...i used 4.1 version,and now i used v4.3b15,both work if i double click on them and then run the script...

Thu Apr 12, 2012 8:35 pm

Did you try using the amended values in post #34

Thu Apr 12, 2012 8:38 pm

i just saw them,i will try them now,but you will have to explain how to translate the values for the other games too...:)

Thu Apr 12, 2012 8:42 pm

I just used Windows Calculator in scientific mode, Select the Hex option, Type in the number, then select the Dec option and use that number...

Thu Apr 12, 2012 8:52 pm

Yeap....it worked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Thanx once more,what can i say,it would take me a life to find it......i will post them when everything is done for all mio c250 users that still use it.

Thu Apr 12, 2012 9:00 pm

It seems for some reason that the registry entries are exported in Hex format but Mortscript writes them in Decimal format :crazy:

Anyway glad we finally got it sorted :D

Fri Apr 13, 2012 6:51 pm

All the games are working......there are still some i want to add,but i don't find them anywhere....i mean,i have them in cab files,but they can't be installed that way on mio c250.
I replaced amigo to a newer version too,it worked sometimes,then there is still the same error with memory and mainshell,but at least its starts again after hardreset without the need of erasing the ''save folder''.mio spirit2009 works too,but is so freaking slow,i did't find any better replacement spirit.exe to try....

Fri Apr 13, 2012 9:25 pm

korg1 wrote:i have them in cab files,but they can't be installed that way on mio c250.

FBF to the rescue again...


This tool which you run on your PC extracts cabs to a folder on your PC, with the correct filenames...

To use it click the first button labelled 'CAB' to load a cab file, Then click the seventh button from the left (First folder with a zip icon) to extract the files...

Then you end up with the files needed to run on your device, Note that you may need to 'borrow' some dll's from MioPocket if you see the error 'Cannot find XXX (Or one of it's components)'

Sat Apr 14, 2012 1:31 pm

hahaha....do u always turn difficult things to easy?Thanx for your help,you are awsome....I already used it,converted all the games....some have an ''exception occured callstack dumped to \crash.txt '' error when i run them from the skin.The second time,they run ok.When i manually run the ''exe'',they always work.And some are rotated (180),if i rotate the screen from script to fix them,the screen rotates but not the actuall game...Happy easter to everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thu May 03, 2012 12:20 am

Thanx again to everybody.....the set is ready now,have a look here
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