by Fatboyfun » Wed Apr 11, 2012 4:50 pm
Here are some examples of Mortscript registry creating...
("Hive", "Key", "Value")
RegWriteString ("HKCU", "ControlPanel\Desktop", "Wallpaper", "\My Flash Disk\Background.bmp")
RegWriteDWord ("HKCU", "ControlPanel\Volume", "Volume", "ffffffff")
RegWriteDWord ("HKLM", "Drivers\Console", "OutputTo", "ffffffff")
Also you can use either RegWriteString, RegWriteBinary, RegWriteDWord or RegWriteMultiString
To read from the registry you use something like...
Background = (RegRead ("HKLM", "ControlPanel\Desktop", "Wallpaper"))
This reads the data stored in the wallpaper value and stores it in a variable called Background, You can then write the variable into a text file by using...
IniWrite (SystemPath("ScriptPath")\Registry.ini", "Wallpaper", "Data", Background)
So to restore this data you would read the text file...
Background = (IniRead (SystemPath("ScriptPath")\Registry.ini", "Wallpaper", "Data"))
And then write the registry entries back...
RegWriteString ("HKCU", "ControlPanel\Desktop", "Wallpaper", Background)
You will need to do this for each registry value...
Currently sleeping...