[Please Register or Login to download file] IQ routes Englisch
As you can read at the end of this article with every new map the IQ routes are updated. So use a new map after 3 months
Tick the box for the IQ route and look wat is the calculation time for the route and how long is the distance.
Then do the same without IQ route and look wat is the calculation time for the route and how long is the distance.
Most of the time there is not much difference between the distance only between the calculation time.
As Fredderf said it can be problematic so don't use the IQ route option (don't tick that box)
(It consumes too much memory for the old One)
Personal I think most of the time IQ route is not effective on a TomTom and not only the one (also 720/730 etc)
Instead tick in the planning preferences the box:
If the traffic situation changes and we discover a significanly faster:
1. Always switch to that route
2. Ask me if I want that route