by Downunder35m » Fri Dec 27, 2013 1:50 pm
1. modding is nothing we do with a Tomtom, you can do that to your PC case or toaster
2. if you would have actually read the tutorials you would know that spoken street names are feature called CSSPEECH - usually a part of the ASR system
3. assistance is something you give if there is a problem, lack of knowledge of terms is no problem as simple reading can fix it
4. a quick look at the map chart would tell wich maps support ASR and CSSPEECH - and it also shows what Navcore is required for it
5. suitable installers for all current Navcores can be found in the section with the same name
So forgive my ignorance if I don't see the problem here.
What would be the use if I tell you take this Navcore, add this map and off you go?
You not understand a thing about the way and most likely encounter more problems on the way.
You need to understand what features come from a Navcore and what features come from a map - and why you need a certain Navcore to support map features.
Usually people check the chart, select a map and visit the Navcore section for a suitable Navcore, maybe you are making things a bit hard on yourself...
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