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TomTom One V1 - Audio Output (Headphone Socket)

Wed Jul 04, 2012 12:10 pm

Hi y'all

A little help /advice requested :helpsos:

I have a TomTom One V1, updated a year or so ago with NavCore 8.410 & UK/IE map 855.2931

As a navigator it works fine, but I want to run the audio output of the TT through my car stereo, but can't seem to get any output from the headphone socket on the TT

The TT speaker preferences menu has options for Internal Speaker, Bluetooth & Line-Out, but irrespective of setting it always outputs sound via the speaker & nothing on the audio output socket.
(there is a slight 'click' on headphones when I plug them in, suggesting the socket is actually connected to some circuitry)

Unfortunately I can't find the original software for it & so don't know if it ever worked.

Does anyone know
a. if the TomTom One V1 is actually capable of outputting Audio to the headphone socket
b. if there is a known issue (perhaps with this NavCore version) that is preventing it
c. anything I can to to get it working

Thanks in advance

Regards... Arheddis

Wed Jul 04, 2012 1:32 pm

arheddis_varkenjaab wrote:I have a TomTom One V1, updated a year or so ago with NavCore 8.410 & UK/IE map 855.2931

Is your NavCore 8.410 a SE version?

Wed Jul 04, 2012 2:37 pm

Oh, was that a rhetorical question ?

[Sorry to sound thick,.. but how do I tell ?? (I got it from / via this forum)]
OK, not so thick now,.. update on that, yes, it is an SE version (original file name:SE_navcore.8.410.1218_32mb_Devices.exe 6/6/2011)
(had a look on my home PC where I'd archived it)

Info given on version screen is:
Device: AKxxU ASxxE
App 8.410 (1218/090213) OS:286217
32 MB Ram (free 7.0MB)
GPS V1.20, Boot 5.0500

Hope that helps
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