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TomTom ONE 3" EDITION (1GB) Navcore?

Thu Jul 11, 2013 7:23 pm

Is there a navcore version available for the TomTom ONE 3" EDITION (1GB) that is higher than navcore 9.00 and works with this TomTom?
I looked at the TomTom navcore page but I didn't seem to find my TomTom at the supported devices.
My current navcore is: 8.010

I really hope that someone could help me out because I can't seem to find a higher supported navcore.

Thanks in advance for everyone's help.

Kind regards,

Kevin Jansen

Thu Jul 11, 2013 9:10 pm

kevinjansen wrote:Is there a navcore version available for the TomTom ONE 3" EDITION (1GB) that is higher than navcore 9.00 and works with this TomTom?

Click here: Navcores 9 for TomTom Devices The choice is your's.

Thu Jul 11, 2013 9:37 pm

I know the choise is mine but will one of these work?!?
In none of the Navcores supported divices list is my divice listed.
My question is: will one of the navcores work?

Thu Jul 11, 2013 10:09 pm

kevinjansen wrote:I know the choise is mine but will one of these work?!?

Why would I post something that doesn't work?
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