TomTom One XL Navcore Upgrade Difficulty   

TomTom One XL Navcore Upgrade Difficulty

Postby blackbeard » Sun Jan 20, 2013 8:05 am

Tried to upgrade my TomTom One XL Navcore

DeviceVersionHW=ONE XL
TTSystem 6324908 bytes

I have installed the 9485 Navcore (from the Installer) and a new 900 series map.
After Upgrade the config is;

TTSystem 2309116 bytes
PNDNavigator 8172412 bytes
RDS/TMC 'mctx.dat' size 212 bytes
DSA emulation mode=slf-Self;slf-Self;17-Rider;34-ONE;35-XL;36-XLLIVE;37-GO

Although the satnav says 9485, it works and looks exactly same as before the Upgrade, but with a new map.
There are no IQ routes, ALG, computer voices etc. The main menu has only 2 pages, there is no page 3 with skin chooser.

There are no problems with the new Navcore and Map software (thanks downunder and navitotal) I downloaded, because I have installed them on my TT ONE v3 and get all the features no problem.
I have tried flash clear, TTHome upgrade then clean install etc, it makes no difference.

PS. Thought The Bootloader would upgrade with Navcore?
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Postby Downunder35m » Sun Jan 20, 2013 1:18 pm

For the newer Navcores and to get support for SDHC cards you should install the 5.5112 bootloader but that won't affect your problem.
The map as all features, so I have to ask: did you add the map or replace the old one? If you added the map you might want to go into the menu and switch to the new map.
Computer voices should work fine either in XL live emu or in X50 emu - you might have to edit the reskin file manually for that.
Same for the skin chooser: on some models it is simply phased out dur to cimpatibility issues, but editing the reskin manually will work.
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Postby blackbeard » Sun Jan 20, 2013 3:14 pm

Thanks for your quick reply deleted everything and did a clean install of the map. However I just tried copying the the working Backup from the TT one V3 on the on the ONE XL and after reactivating the map the IQ routes, ALG work fine, the skin chooser everything is there. The only problem the computer voice does not work (EMU one and XL).

Then I tried the updating navcore with MB + HS and the unit has gone back to square one, lost all features from map etc.

Later Gonna delete everything restore the working backup and work from there again , i.e try the emus you recommended.

Edit: Restored the working Backup from the TT ONE V3, tried the emus, they caused the unit to stop booting. Manual Edit back to 34-ONE, now everything works, Maps computer voices etc, Now all backed up.
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