tomtom one xl total noob   

tomtom one xl total noob

Postby bluekiwi696 » Thu Dec 22, 2011 11:12 am

I have an old tomtom one xl that was never updated after the initial map. I have navcore 8.010. I would like to update to the latest u.s. map, but am totally lost. what is the latest map version that would work and how do i go about installing the new map and maybe voices. the total memory on the unit is only 978.1 mb. thanks so much
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Postby tendriver » Thu Dec 22, 2011 12:07 pm

bluekiwi696 wrote:I have an old tomtom one xl that was never updated after the initial map. I have navcore 8.010. I would like to update to the latest u.s. map, but am totally lost. what is the latest map version that would work and how do i go about installing the new map and maybe voices. the total memory on the unit is only 978.1 mb. thanks so much

Download & unzip United_States_880_3866

Go here: FastActivate 24.11.2011 {} Read all of the instructions. Select the Premium version.

Remove the old US map folder. Copy in the new US map folder.

Run FastActivate & click all 4 buttons, 1 at a time, from left to right.

Disconnect & reboot.
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Postby bluekiwi696 » Fri Dec 23, 2011 7:25 pm

worked great, thanks, got voices too. is there any other things you recommend, i know i cannot put much on due to memory limitations. was wondering about fuel prices.
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Postby tendriver » Fri Dec 23, 2011 8:13 pm

bluekiwi696 wrote:worked great, thanks, got voices too. is there any other things you recommend, i know i cannot put much on due to memory limitations. was wondering about fuel prices.

US fuel prices are not available on Navitotal at this time. We thought there was a new donor available, but I have been told that the donor doesn't have all of the files needed.

US speedcams are free & don't take up much space.
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