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TomTom One v2 Update?

Sat Aug 03, 2024 9:54 am

Hi all,

I recently found my old TomTom One v2 in the back of a drawer and thinking about leaving it in my car glove box as a spare.

Just wondering if anyone can point me in the right direction to update it - appreciate it's such an ancient device that the latest update available for it will be out of date but hopefully it will be newer that I currently have.

In the info screen it says the following:

App 6.560 (7914/061211) OS: 1713
Map: United Ringdom and ROI v660.119

Any guidance would be much appreciated! Many thanks!

Re: TomTom One v2 Update?

Sat Aug 03, 2024 10:34 am

Already answered in the other forum

Re: TomTom One v2 Update?

Tue Aug 13, 2024 12:43 pm

I am also wondering if my device can be updated, it is a tomtom one (serial number starting with PB, NAV V2, Navcore.9.101, no sd card support). I know it cannot be updated officially as it has reached end of support, but i'm not sure if there's a way to update the UK map anyway?
I've tried looking on the tutorial section but lots of it seems to be old posts understandably and it doesn't let me just search "tomtom nav V2" which makes it hard to find relevant info.
Also not sure what other forum biggerdave is referring to as i am new to the forum thing sorry
I would appreciate it if someone could send me in the right direction, thanks

EDIT: I found it is possible to update and is fairly easy, thank you to the people on this forum for all the guides, it boils down to:
1. Download a new compatible map (make sure it works with your tomtom and has a "meta code" available). I used TTActivator to do this.
2. Download the patching tool needed to make the maps work (named FastActivate).
2. Remove old map folder from the tomtom
3. Copy the new map folder to the tomtom
4. Copy the patching tool to the root of the tomtom & run it. When it opens, click all 4 buttons, 1 at a time, from left to right.
5. Disconnect & reboot.

This is what worked for me
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