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Tomtom ONE v4N00.012

Sun Apr 14, 2013 4:41 pm

hi all

im dutch and i have a tomtom one
i need maps from Germany ( for my vacation ) i only have benelux

i found maps but every time i start my tomtom i get a error, No maps found

and i only did add Europe,,
when i delete that 1.5 GB file my tomtom asks to activate it again

so i delete it all,. and use my backup files,

i need help

Sun Apr 14, 2013 5:33 pm

[url=file:///C:/Users/Clark Finch/Desktop/TomTom Stuff/Smileys/[img]http:/img841.imageshack.us/img841/1391/welcomecat.gif[/img]]Image[/url][font=comic sans ms]FROM THE TOMTOM TEAM!![/font]

ThaMartino wrote:hi all
im dutch and i have a tomtom one
i need maps from Germany ( for my vacation ) i only have benelux.
i found maps but every time i start my tomtom i get a error, No maps found
and i only did add Europe,,
when i delete that 1.5 GB file my tomtom asks to activate it again
so i delete it all,. and use my backup files,
i need help

You have not given us enuf device info to work with.

Please run TomTom Current Configuration {13.11.2011} & post the results here.

PS: No need to double post. Your other post has been deleted.
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