Tue Jan 05, 2016 10:14 pm
Hey all,
First post so please be kind.
I've got a TomTom one V7 with 1gig internal memory. Navcore 9.061
I have 2 maps installed: United_Kingdom_and_Republic_of_Ireland 2011, and USA_and_Canada also 2011.
My question is, is it still possible to update both maps to latest versions and install both to 1gig of memory or am i pushing
my luck?
With my current maps installed i only have 15mb free.
thanks in advance.
Wed Jan 06, 2016 5:03 am
rogerde wrote:is it still possible to update both maps to latest versions and install both to 1gig of memory?
smallest 960 USA map is 915MB.
smallest 960 USA & C map is 1.01GB.
smallest 960 UK & ROI map is 215MB.
Thu Jan 07, 2016 7:45 pm
Thanks tendriver for answering my question.
Shame really but i'm now looking at upgrading internal memory.
I could just go out and buy a better tomtom but i like my little trusty unit, its served me well over a long time.
Thanks again.