Hi, i have a tomtom one with navcore 8.010 but this navcore dont exist on last navcore chart, already try to update on TTHome butthere are no updates... Should i delete all in internal memory and install a custom navcore? Thanks
You are here now for a while, so I suggest to learn and read a bit more. 1. Never post your Device ID, serial number or Email address. 2. The chart shows clearly what Navcore version is at least required to use a map, so interpolate for missing Navcores. 3. If you use a custom Navcore, as you call it, is totally up to you.
With only 1 gb of storage it is not very useful to install a non-custom navcore. So unless you choose a map for a limited area with functionality like Advanced Lane Recognition, I would stick to the latest official version which TTHome offers you.