at first this is my first time trying to give my GPS a new Software. So please exucse me, if my questions sounds stupid ;). And excuse my bad english too :P.
Im using a Falk N240L running WinCe 5.0.
Im using Multiscript & POIOBServer.
My TomTom Navcore is 7.916.9192 (already tried another version)
Maps: Europe_Central 900 4600
GPS: COM2 Baud:57600
My problem: TomTom cant find a constant GPS Signal. It gets GPS for a few seconds (the yellow/black dot is rotating) after 1-3 seconds it stops and says "No GPS device found" or "Are you inside of a building..?".

I'm using virtual comport manager and it gets a signal with the "test GPS" function & POIOBServer turns green. I tried using the virtual Port & the real Port with the TomTom software.
Do you have any hints or solutions?