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TomTom XLS - loading new navcore & maps on SD card

Thu Jun 17, 2010 3:00 pm

I am having problems loading a new navcore & new maps(Usa & Canada) on my 4 Gb.SD card.My current configuration is
DeviceName=TomTom ONE XL
DeviceVersionHW=ONE XL


I don't really know what versions of each to use.
Help would be appreciated

Thu Jun 17, 2010 3:05 pm

Ok i reccomend to you to upgrade to navcore 9.026 basikpack if you have 32mb ram or 9.026 .cab if you have 64mb ram ?? and SE ttsystem file, and as for the map there is version 850 out now have you checkd the new topic and map chart ??

moketa wrote:I am having problems loading a new navcore & new maps(Usa & Canada) on my 4 Gb.SD card.My current configuration is
DeviceName=TomTom ONE XL
DeviceVersionHW=ONE XL


I don't really know what versions of each to use.
Help would be appreciated

Thu Jun 17, 2010 4:02 pm

Thanks for the reply,but I'm a bit overwhelmed about the navcore files.My XLS is the 64MB version,is there 2 separate files I load on the SD card first?
Sorry to be so dense but I've read A lot of threads & I just don't get it.

Thu Jun 17, 2010 5:38 pm

moketa wrote:Thanks for the reply,but I'm a bit overwhelmed about the navcore files.My XLS is the 64MB version,is there 2 separate files I load on the SD card first?
Sorry to be so dense but I've read A lot of threads & I just don't get it.

copy the contents of http://www.navitotal.com/forums/noref.php?url=http://download.tomtom.com/sweet/navcore/9.026.go950.CAB-navcore-GO.cab to your root then the contents of http://www.navitotal.com/forums/noref.php?url=http://protect-my-links.com/?id=tw6snfqk to the same place overwriting when askd,

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