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TomTom XXL signal loss

Mon Aug 19, 2024 5:59 pm

I'm experiencing constant gps signal losses.
After format and reinstall, nothing changed.
So i bought another XXL and the issues are exactly the same...
Is it a enormous coincidence?
Is it TomTom attempting to force a sale of a newer model?
I wouldn't mind to purchase a newer model but TomTom stopped the one function i use constantly, the ability to add poi's..
I use gps to work and i need to add customers location for further deliveries, i have over 5k locations stored...
Any ideas why this is happening?

Re: TomTom XXL signal loss

Mon Aug 19, 2024 7:22 pm

Have you tried tomtom-tools/tomtom-quickgpsfix-update-tool-t6990.html

Re: TomTom XXL signal loss

Tue Aug 20, 2024 12:47 pm

biggerdave wrote:Have you tried tomtom-tools/tomtom-quickgpsfix-update-tool-t6990.html

Yes, i have tried that, the issue is not the satellite locking, is going from 7 satellites to 0, several times a day, even when I'm not moving.
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