Total noob, just found a ONE XL   

Total noob, just found a ONE XL

Postby transf » Sun Mar 13, 2016 6:31 am

So, I recently found a ONE XL lying around in my house with vague memories of purchasing it in '08 or 9. So I decided that I'd like to use it; the first thing I did was install TomTom home, which notified me that I had to pay a ridiculous amount for maps that I can get from free anywhere that's not a dedicated GPS. So naturally, the first thing I googled was "ONE XL hack," which led me here. I've looked all around the site and can't find anything like an intro guide for noobs or something like that, glossary didn't help much. So, it'd be a great help if someone could direct me to the right thread or answer these questions:
What is possible with my device (that TomTom doesn't want me doing?)
What should be the first things I do, what do they do and how do I go about doing them?

Thanks for the help!
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Re: Total noob, just found a ONE XL

Postby Razorblatter » Sun Mar 13, 2016 8:32 am

Why don't you get acquinted in the tutorial section and read a bit in the map section. These parts ofthe forum are not hidden and contain a lot of info that you need.
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Re: Total noob, just found a ONE XL

Postby gigxy » Sun Mar 13, 2016 10:28 am

The first thing to do is a save from your gps to pc with explorer
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Re: Total noob, just found a ONE XL

Postby jokskot » Sun Mar 13, 2016 10:39 am

I'm sure Transf has looked for the hints and tutorials.
Instead of being arsey, Razorblatter, why don't you point him at the links?
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Re: Total noob, just found a ONE XL

Postby Razorblatter » Sun Mar 13, 2016 10:49 am

They are there right before his eyes!
Not hidden in his hind end. Make an effort
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Re: Total noob, just found a ONE XL

Postby fredderf » Sun Mar 13, 2016 3:11 pm

transf wrote:What should be the first things I do, what do they do and how do I go about doing them?

I'm assuming you're looking for the UK & ROI map...if so, follow my instructions in post #2 here
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Re: Total noob, just found a ONE XL

Postby transf » Sun Mar 13, 2016 7:53 pm

Razorblatter wrote:Why don't you get acquinted in the tutorial section and read a bit in the map section. These parts ofthe forum are not hidden and contain a lot of info that you need.

Yep, I've been in pretty much every TomTom section in this forum, in the map threads, in the navcore threads (not that I know what that really means).
I hope you realize the tutorials only tell you *what* to do, not why and what the program/method/etc. does. Obviously this is easy for you, but to a complete outsider it's as if everything's in a different language.
Last edited by transf on Sun Mar 13, 2016 7:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Total noob, just found a ONE XL

Postby transf » Sun Mar 13, 2016 7:54 pm

fredderf wrote:
transf wrote:What should be the first things I do, what do they do and how do I go about doing them?

I'm assuming you're looking for the UK & ROI map...if so, follow my instructions in post #2 [url=]here[/url]

Actually in the US, but that was actually very helpful, thanks!
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Re: Total noob, just found a ONE XL

Postby fredderf » Sun Mar 13, 2016 8:27 pm

transf wrote:Actually in the US, but that was actually very helpful, thanks!

Ok, first you need to check how much space you've got available on your device for the new map as the US maps can be quite large....or use the SD card slot if you have one.

Then have a look through this page for a suitable 965.7280 map that will fit. If the chosen map can be activated it will be listed on this page....if it's not there choose another map that is and will suit your needs.
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Re: Total noob, just found a ONE XL

Postby Razorblatter » Mon Mar 14, 2016 5:25 pm

I know about (being a) noob. No problem.
But with some reading you might have learned that Navcore is the name for the TomTom software.
A Navcore makes your device accept maps with more or less features.
Knowing your current Navcore is useful information.

It would also be handy if you could give us the first two characters of your device's serial number because that would identify your exact model and if you can insert a sd-card.
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Re: Total noob, just found a ONE XL

Postby transf » Tue Mar 15, 2016 4:53 am

Razorblatter wrote:I know about (being a) noob. No problem.
But with some reading you might have learned that Navcore is the name for the TomTom software.
A Navcore makes your device accept maps with more or less features.
Knowing your current Navcore is useful information.

It would also be handy if you could give us the first two characters of your device's serial number because that would identify your exact model and if you can insert a sd-card.

Thanks for the willingness to help. I've looked elsewhere on the web, and I've figured most everything out. First 2 digits are "L1" so I have 1GB internal+2GB SD. I made a backup w/Explorer, then wiped everything, then installed 9.5.10 Navcore. I then installed this map "US South West 965 7250 with Automatic Installer & Patcher
" which according to should've worked. However, upon boot I get the "None of the available voices can be used with the current language" error (which I believe is perhaps an error on my part for not installing TTS voices then navcore?) and then it tells me "You cannot use this map on this device: US_South_West-100654." What went wrong? I'd really rather not download another map as FF is horrible. For some reason premium link generators kept corrupting the .exe.
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Re: Total noob, just found a ONE XL

Postby fredderf » Tue Mar 15, 2016 2:54 pm

transf wrote:1. First 2 digits are "L1" so I have 1GB internal+2GB SD. I made a backup w/Explorer, then wiped everything, then installed 9.5.10 Navcore.
2. I then installed this map "US South West 965 7250 with Automatic Installer & Patcher. However, upon boot I get the "None of the available voices can be used with the current language" error
3. and then it tells me "You cannot use this map on this device: US_South_West-100654." What went wrong?

1. A One XL has only 32MB of RAM so won't be able to run a fully featured map unless you use a specially modified NC 9.510 that includes a swap file for a memory boost. NC's downloaded from another site are not supported here.
2. This error is probably because the NC you've installed did not contain a 'voices' directory or does not contain any English voices. Check the root of your device, copy/merge the voices directory over from your backup.
3. This error indicates the map is not activated. Use FastActivate to manually activate the map, when successful you'll see a '...meta.DCT' created within the map folder.
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