I tried and failed so now I'll ask (Go 730)   

I tried and failed so now I'll ask (Go 730)

Postby Syntic » Tue Dec 13, 2011 12:31 am

Ok I have a TomTom GO 730 and I wanted to get a map for Europe/Western Europe. I spent some time on here but I can't really figure it out.

So my questions:
What kind of navcore do I need ?
Which map would be best ?
Do I need anything else ?


DeviceName=TomTom GO 730
DeviceVersionHW=GO 730
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Thanks in advance!
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Postby tendriver » Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:01 am

Syntic wrote:Ok I have a TomTom GO 730 and I wanted to get a map for Europe/Western Europe. I spent some time on here but I can't really figure it out.

So my questions:
1. What kind of navcore do I need ?
2. Which map would be best ?
3. Do I need anything else ?

1. 8.351 is the current navcore for you 730. TT Home will update it for you.
2. Do you want Europe OR Western Europe?
3. You need FastActivate 24.11.2011 {} premium version to patch your new navcore & map.
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Postby Syntic » Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:20 am

Thanks so much ! I dont have time right now but i'll try it as soon as I can and get back if there are any problems.
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Postby Syntic » Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:29 am

Ok I Updated it to the latest version and I would like a map for Europe so I went here


and picked Europe_2GB_880.3812 (is that right ?)

As I understand these maps also include the activate ?
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Postby tendriver » Tue Dec 13, 2011 3:21 am

Syntic wrote:Ok I Updated it to the latest version and I would like a map for Europe so I went here


and picked Europe_2GB_880.3812 (is that right ?)

As I understand these maps also include the activate ?

Europe 2GB 880.3812 requires a 9.0XX or higher navcore & 4GBs of memory. You only need it if you live in Greece and Russia or travel to them a lot.

ALL of the Europe maps require 4GBs of memory, including the 2GB versions. You can get a 4GB SDHC card or use a Europe Zone map, that will fit on 2GBs.
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