The Navcore is optimised for 32mb devices, but can be used on a X10 as well.
The map is modified to fit onto 2GB together with the Navcore.
Delete all from your device except:
a) The ttgo.bif in the root of your device
b) The folder voices - make sure you only have the voice in it you need - there is not much left on 2GB!
c) Alternatively you can keep your LoquendoTTS folder with a single V7 voice
Download the archive,
unpack to your PC,
copy all unpacked files and folders to the root of your TT - confirm to overwrite existing files!
It does not work....
Well, at this stage there is no meta code available for the Truck map, so you have to wait

How to get it working??
Once the meta codes for the Truck map are available,
; Europe_TRUCK v910.4958
66 D3 98 94 C7 3C 07 35 BC 7A 20 8E 29 CE DB 48 Europe_TRUCK-794.meta
; Europe_TRUCK v910.4958
A9 D0 80 B4 0B FC 34 5D D8 37 A9 EA 92 7F 2A 41 Europe_TRUCK-794.tmeta
use them with the patcher of your choice and activate the map,
now you are ready to test it out!

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