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TT740 truck navcore ????

Thu Mar 22, 2012 10:02 pm

Hi guys i have installed biggerdaves navcore on my SD card on the tomtom by copying all the fils in the rar over to my card and then activating the map with fastactivate but when i go to boot the device its just getting stuck at the picture of the truck splash screen and just hangs there has anyone got any idea what im doing wrong

Thu Mar 22, 2012 10:07 pm

[quote="Jwestwood74"]Hi guys i have installed biggerdaves navcore on my SD card on the tomtom by copying all the fils in the rar over to my card and then activating the map with fastactivate but when i go to boot the device its just getting stuck at the picture of the truck splash screen and just hangs there has anyone got any idea what im doing wrong

What link did you use to get the navcore?

Thu Mar 22, 2012 10:09 pm

i got it off here a while ago and have also tried the navcore thats still up on here but all of them give the same result

Thu Mar 22, 2012 10:23 pm

Jwestwood74 wrote:has anyone got any idea what im doing wrong

Yes, using biggerdave's version.

Remove all from the card but the map. Copy your backup to the card. Confirm you now have a functioning unit.

Download the 8.398 cab & prepatched file. Copy these downloads to your card overwriting any common files.

Disconnect & reboot.

Thu Mar 22, 2012 10:45 pm

ok have done all the above and now its just stuck on the tomtom logo again :helpsos:

Thu Mar 22, 2012 11:44 pm

Jwestwood74 wrote:ok have done all the above and now its just stuck on the tomtom logo again :helpsos:

Confirm that in the 8.398 folder, you see a meta.dct & a tmeta.dct

Thu Mar 22, 2012 11:50 pm

tendriver wrote:Confirm that in the 8.398 folder, you see a meta.dct.

No there is no meta.dct in the folder i downloaded

Fri Mar 23, 2012 12:08 am

The .meta.dct and .tmeta.dct should be located in the truck map folder indicating the map is activated.
They have no use elsewhere.
I assume you did a clean install on an empty device, if not do it again this way.
Do a hard reset (hold reset fo 30+sec) followed by the TT Clear Flash tool.
Was the device running fine before you tried this truck NC? If so what NC have you used before?
What is the installed bootloader version?

Fri Mar 23, 2012 12:20 am

Downunder35m wrote:The .meta.dct and .tmeta.dct should be located in the truck map folder indicating the map is activated.
They have no use elsewhere.
I assume you did a clean install on an empty device, if not do it again this way.
Do a hard reset (hold reset fo 30+sec) followed by the TT Clear Flash tool.
Was the device running fine before you tried this truck NC? If so what NC have you used before?
What is the installed bootloader version?

Bootloader is 5.5259
i now have the TT running 9.401 with map 885.4009 off both the SD and internal
AS soon as i install the truck navcore the device just hang on the boot screen upon trying to boot it
i havent done a clean install i didnt realise i had to as the memory card was empty

so what do i need to do please

Fri Mar 23, 2012 12:30 am

Jwestwood74 wrote:1. No there is no meta.dct or tmeta.dct in the folder i downloaded

Jwestwood74 wrote:Bootloader is 5.5259
i now have the TT running 9.401 with map 885.4009 off both the SD and internal
AS soon as i install the truck navcore the device just hang on the boot screen upon trying to boot it
2. i havent done a clean install i didnt realise i had to as the memory card was empty

so what do i need to do please

1. No meta.dct in the 885.4009 folder means that the map is not patched.
2. I never do a "clean install". I always do an overwrite.

Are you saying you have 885.4009 on both internal & the card?

Fri Mar 23, 2012 12:42 am

yes had 885.4009 working on the internal so checked it worked off the card as well which it did
the problems start when i put the truck navcore on either not even tried putting the truck maps on yet

Fri Mar 23, 2012 12:47 am

Jwestwood74 wrote:yes had 885.4009 working on the internal so checked it worked off the card as well which it did
the problems start when i put the truck navcore on either not even tried putting the truck maps on yet

Confirm that there is not a .meta.dct in either 885.4009 folder.

Fri Mar 23, 2012 12:52 am

I don't really think the BL is the culprit so it should be a problem with the Truck NC.
Might be a shot into the blue but try [Please Register or Login to download file] version.
You can overwrite the existing installation with it, PW: downunder
If the device still hangs with this version we might try a different BL.

Fri Mar 23, 2012 12:58 am

there is a mets.dct in the root

Fri Mar 23, 2012 12:59 am

Downunder35m wrote:I don't really think the BL is the culprit so it should be a problem with the Truck NC.
Might be a shot into the blue but try [Please Register or Login to download file] version.
You can overwrite the existing installation with it, PW: downunder
If the device still hangs with this version we might try a different BL.

Whats a BL
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