Tutorial wanted for fuelprices!   

Tutorial wanted for fuelprices!

Postby Tomtom69 » Sun Apr 29, 2012 10:52 pm

I am trying to search for a nice tutorial on how to get fuelprices working but all i find is the fuelprices update for people who already got it working.

What I've done; I placed various maps named 'fuel_prices' or 'FuelPricesEU' in my Tomtom directory and because I didn't know why I couldn't make the .DCT file I put it even in the mapfolder itself but I can't find what I am doing wrong. I even run 'Fastactivate' in the mapfolder and in de 'FuelpricesEU' folder...
I could not find a step by step guide in doing so unless it leaves plenty questions, see below where I loose it with even the first instruction!

Could someone make a nice understandable tutorial in general?
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Postby tendriver » Sun Apr 29, 2012 11:13 pm

Tomtom69 wrote:I am trying to search for a nice tutorial on how to get fuelprices working but all i find is the fuelprices update for people who already got it working.

Very plain easy to follow instructions are in TomTom Official Europe Fuel Prices 28.04.12 post 1.

BTW, you did not get these instructions from an Official Navicore thread, & that my friend is NOT COOL!!!!
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Postby Tomtom69 » Sun Apr 29, 2012 11:27 pm

Yes I have seen that one and tried to work with it but because I can't get the .dct file I must do something wrong! For example, when it says: "Download the attached .rar file. Unzip & copy ALL of the files to your map folder". What does it exactly mean?
What goes to the root of the Tomtom? Only the folder? Do I just unzip it in the root? Or do I go to the map folder? In my case, because I was confused, I tried it all. But Fastactivate never saw my folder let alone made a .dct file...

Any more specific advice? It was the same 920 by the way but haven't tried it with the 9.430 yet, :)
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Postby tendriver » Sun Apr 29, 2012 11:59 pm

Tomtom69 wrote:1. Yes I have seen that one and tried to work with it but because I can't get the .dct file I must do something wrong! For example, when it says: "Download the attached .rar file. Unzip & copy ALL of the files to your map folder". What does it exactly mean?
2. What goes to the root of the Tomtom? Only the folder?
3. Do I just unzip it in the root? Or do I go to the map folder?
In my case, because I was confused, I tried it all. But Fastactivate never saw my folder let alone made a .dct file...

Any more specific advice? It was the same 920 by the way but haven't tried it with the 9.430 yet, :)

1. It means exactly what it sez.
2. What do the instructions say?
3. Same as point 2.
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Postby Tomtom69 » Mon Apr 30, 2012 12:21 am

Thank you for making this clear. I just done it again and again Fastactivate, (the latest one) does not see it

What am I doing wrong? I followed this step by step...
Thanks in advance again!
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Postby tendriver » Mon Apr 30, 2012 1:03 am

Tomtom69 wrote:I just done it again and again Fastactivate, (the latest one) does not see it

Why do you have a FuelPricesEU folder in the root?
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Postby Tomtom69 » Mon Apr 30, 2012 1:22 am

Because I only understand that it should go like that? Can you tell me, if it is wrong, how it should be done? And thanks in advance...
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Postby tendriver » Mon Apr 30, 2012 1:28 am

Tomtom69 wrote:Because I only understand that it should go like that? Can you tell me, if it is wrong, how it should be done? And thanks in advance...

A DOS script FuelType.cmd has been added to the rar file. This allows you to select your fuel type from within the map directory, after you have created the dct file.
1. Download the attached .rar file. Any questions on this step?
2. Unzip & copy ALL 13 files to your map folder. Any questions on this step?
3. Download AutoActivate & FastActivate to your root or map folder and run the .exe to create a .dct file. [color=#222222] If you put FastActivate in the map folder, you must also put a copy of the ttgo.bif in the map folder. Any questions on this step?
4. Left click FuelType.cmd & follow the instructions. Any questions on this step?[/color]
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Postby Tomtom69 » Mon Apr 30, 2012 1:40 am

2. Unzip & copy ALL 13 files to your map folder. Any questions on this step?

The question is; where can I best unzip the .rar?
Do I unzip it in the root or in the map? To test I already have put it anywhere possible and ran Fastactivate but to no use... They mention only "map folder". Does it go with the folder in the map folder or do they do mean the root???? Can someone let me stop guessing and give a seemingly easy answer to an easy question but I don't get why I can't get it to work with folders anywhere with Fastactivate???

Well, any help very much appreciated...
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Postby tendriver » Mon Apr 30, 2012 1:55 am

Tomtom69 wrote:2. Unzip & copy ALL 13 files to your map folder. Any questions on this step?

1. The question is; where can I best unzip the .rar?
Do I unzip it in the root or in the map? To test I already have put it anywhere possible and ran Fastactivate but to no use... They mention only "map folder".
2. Does it go with the folder in the map folder or do they do mean the root???? Can someone let me stop guessing and give a seemingly easy answer to an easy question
3. but I don't get why I can't get it to work with folders anywhere with Fastactivate???

Well, any help very much appreciated...

1. Your Desktop!
2. Unzip & copy ALL 13 files to your map folder.
3. The instructions say files, not folder!!!
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Postby Tomtom69 » Mon Apr 30, 2012 11:18 am

That did the trick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Maybe I need to be ashamed of myself, :)

To anyone who would like to install Fuelprices, it's cool unless you update on regular base of course.

To explain it easy:

1) Download the latest fuelprices rar file and unzip it on your desktop
2) Forget about the folder, what's in it that matters!
3) Copy/paste only the 13 files straight in your map folder
4) Run Fastactivate, the latest, you can just run it from the root of your Tomtom.
5) Go to your map folder again and rightclick on the .cmd file and follow instructions
6) Reboot and done! You can find all about it under Tomtom services!

Now anybody should be able to do this with ease... :)

Thanks for all the help folks!
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Postby tendriver » Mon Apr 30, 2012 12:33 pm

Tomtom69 wrote:To explain it easy:

1) Download the latest fuelprices rar file and unzip it on your desktop
2) Forget about the folder, what's in it that matters!
3) Copy/paste only the 13 files straight in your map folder
4) Run Fastactivate, the latest, you can just run it from the root of your Tomtom.
5) Go to your map folder again and rightclick on the .cmd file and follow instructions
6) Reboot and done! You can find all about it under Tomtom services!

Now anybody should be able to do this with ease... Image

This is no different than the instructions here: TomTom Official Europe Fuel Prices 28.04.12 except for your 1 minor error.
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