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Unable to get maps working on unlocked Navman N20

Wed Dec 28, 2011 2:37 pm

For a few days now I've been tinkering with my old Navman N20 to get TomTom Navigator working with Scandinavian maps, but I keep getting the "No maps found" error. I've been following this tutorial and the maps I've tried to get working are Scandinavian, 880.3868, which should work as far as I know.

The only part where my experience differs from the tutorial is the activation part. If I place AutoActivator on the root of my device and try to use it, it complains about missing ttnavigator.bif file. I can only get it to activate the maps if I copy the file from the Navigator folder to the root of the device.

Both the map and the Navigator folders are located at the root of my device, but the navigator software is still unable to detect the maps. Is there anyone that's able to spot what I'm doing wrong?

Also, on the tutorial it says activation isn't possible over ActiveSync (which is the only way to connect to the device), so I've also tried to do the activation steps on a SDHC card I have and then copying the files over to the device root, but to no avail.

Wed Dec 28, 2011 2:53 pm

Confirm that you have...

Ran Tomtom at least once on the device so that the ttnavigator.bif has been generated.
Extracted the map folder on to the device root so that the path is (when viewed via activesync)
\My Flash Disk\{Scandinavia}\Cline.dat ...

Also confirm that you are using the latest version of autoactivate AND you're not running Windows 7 64 Bit

Wed Dec 28, 2011 3:14 pm

Fatboyfun wrote:Confirm that you have...

Ran Tomtom at least once on the device so that the ttnavigator.bif has been generated.
Extracted the map folder on to the device root so that the path is (when viewed via activesync)
\My Flash Disk\{Scandinavia}\Cline.dat ...

Also confirm that you are using the latest version of autoactivate AND you're not running Windows 7 64 Bit

I've ran TomTom to generate the ttnavigator.bif file, AutoActive just doesn's see it unless I copy it to the root of the device. Also when viewed through ActiveSync, my folder set up is as follows:

\Navigator (TomTom navigator software)
\Scandinavia (the maps)
\Program Files\Unlock
\Program Files\Navman

I have no such folder as My Flash Disk by default at the root of the device. Running the latest of AutoActivate. I'm using Windows 7 32bit since it's the only thing available to me at the time (well, I also have Arch Linux as my main OS, but that won't probably be an option due to ActiveSync). What's the problem in using 64bit Win7?

Wed Dec 28, 2011 3:29 pm

Do you have an usb stick. Yes ten copy the map the biffile and autoactivate to is. Then use autoactivate. After that copy the map back to your Navman.
If you don,t have a usb stick use a SD card instead.

Wed Dec 28, 2011 4:14 pm

What does your device show up in (My) Computer as?

Wed Dec 28, 2011 4:40 pm

Fatboyfun wrote:What does your device show up in (My) Computer as?

It shows up as a Portable/Handheld Device. Here's a folder with some pictures regarding the folder structure on my device: [Please Register or Login to download file]

Wed Dec 28, 2011 7:22 pm

From the screenshots you provided, I can see the maps have been patched, There was a thread recently where someone else had trouble getting UK&ROI V880.3868 recognized by the device, so try another version to be sure.

It's a bit odd that ActiveSync/WMDC bypasses the My Flash Disk drive, unless everything is in 'Main Storage' which is unusual.

I don't know if TTN7 will work from the main storage, Is there a card slot you can use?

Or use FileManCE which is part of the unlock and browse the device to see what's on it without AS/WMDC interfering.

Wed Dec 28, 2011 7:37 pm

I've tried with some other versions (Scandinavia 880.3811, 865.3259), but neither of those worked. There is a card slot but I only have SDHC cards and it looks like this device doesn't support SDHC cards (no new directories show up when I insert the card, nor does it show through ActiveSync when connected to the computer).

Besides the directories you've seen in the screenshots, FileManCE shows Recycled, Temp and Windows at the root of the device, nothing else besides those.

Wed Dec 28, 2011 8:15 pm

You are correct that the device doesn't support SDHC, It seems that rather than have a normal combination of small main storage + Large internal flash and optional external storage (SD card), It has a large main storage with no internal flash, My guess is that Tomtom won't work with this configuration.

It's a long shot but try placing all the Tomtom related files and folders inside a My Flash disk folder and try again.

Wed Dec 28, 2011 9:34 pm

Yeah, already tested that with no luck. Guess I'll just have to do with iGO, although even that is showing to be a bit problematic (I can't get it to run at native resolution with your guide, I guess it's missing a 320 x 240 resolution skin or something).

Wed Dec 28, 2011 9:37 pm

Which version did you download?

Wed Dec 28, 2011 10:07 pm

http://www.navitotal.com/forums/showthread.php?1728-Working-Primo-from-my-device This one linked in your guide for Windows CE Core installations. It runs and detects the maps, but the screen looks really fuzzy, because it's trying to run at 420 x something resolution, when I change it to 320 x 240 it says it can't find proper skins for the resolution. Also having a small problem with finding Finnish voices, but that's minor.

Wed Dec 28, 2011 10:26 pm

Just to be 100% sure i tried Scandinavia 880.3868 on my device and it worked, so it must be the way the device is configured.

Try the version from this thread here, Start from step #4

I can't remember the specs of your device, If it has less than 64MB ram it may not run Primo.

Thu May 17, 2012 4:12 pm

I was having the same problem about tomtom not finding any maps.
After some research I found out that I need to put the file note_prj.dll in the folder where the tomtom navigator exe is, and then it found the map.

Thu May 17, 2012 4:22 pm

The version of Tomtom from my guides has this dll included!
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