Update Go 520   

Update Go 520

Postby ttnewbie » Sun Sep 05, 2010 3:39 pm

hi guys,

rather than create a new thread i might as well ask the same question here. I have a tomtom go 520 with the following:-

Navcore 8.320
64mb ram (currently 16.1mb free)
uk+ireland maps v830.2305

I need to upgrade to the latest/best navcore + latest maps + speedcams, so i would be most greatful if someone can just give me a brief description as to what i need to do and what software versions to use for my TT go520

thanks very much.
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Postby djc151084 » Sun Sep 05, 2010 5:57 pm

ttnewbie wrote:hi guys,

rather than create a new thread i might as well ask the same question here. I have a tomtom go 520 with the following:-

Navcore 8.320
64mb ram (currently 16.1mb free)
uk+ireland maps v830.2305

I need to upgrade to the latest/best navcore + latest maps + speedcams, so i would be most greatful if someone can just give me a brief description as to what i need to do and what software versions to use for my TT go520

thanks very much.

Hi i will move your post to a new topic so all your info can be in the same thread ;)

    [color="red"] Check your bootloader first if it is a v 1x bootloader ask for further info before contuinuing to the next step[/color]
  • Take a full backup with explorer
  • Extract the contents of the 9.205.cab to the root of your sd or internal [Please Register or Login to download file] (where ever you want to install the new software to)
  • Extract the contents of the 9.205 SE ttsystem to your sd root or internal [Please Register or Login to download file]
  • Copy your ttgo.bif from your internal memory to your sd card (If you are installing to a new sd card only)
  • Download and Extract this map to its own new folder in the root of your sd card [Please Register or Login to download file] (Password for map archive = [color="red"]navitotal[/color])
  • Copy Autoactivate to the root of your sd or internal same as where you put the 9.205 files and run
  • Done! ;)

Do this first then come back and we can update speedcams and fuel.
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Postby tendriver » Sun Sep 05, 2010 6:32 pm

djc's instructions are spot on with 2 minor comments. 1. You don't need to delete your current setup. Let the new files & folders overwrite any common ones on your device. 2. All you need from the ttsystem.rar are the PNDNavigator & ttsystem files. Again letting them overwrite the old files.
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Postby ttnewbie » Sun Sep 05, 2010 7:59 pm

hi guys,

1st of all, let me give my thanks to djc151084 for highly recommending this forum. I thank you for your help and advice.

OK, now i'm not too sure how to check this bootloader version, but i went into Device Info Settings and there I found:-

GPS v1.20, Boot 5.5015 ....is this what your looking for? if so, then how can i tell what version the bootloader is?

Also currently my TT is sluggish, so which bootloader is the best/fastest for my TT go520?

thanks again
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Postby tendriver » Sun Sep 05, 2010 8:33 pm

ttnewbie wrote:hi guys,

1st of all, let me give my thanks to djc151084 for highly recommending this forum. I thank you for your help and advice.

OK, now i'm not too sure how to check this bootloader version, but i went into Device Info Settings and there I found:-

GPS v1.20, Boot 5.5015 ....is this what your looking for? if so, then how can i tell what version the bootloader is?

Also which bootloader is the best/fastest for my TT go520?

thanks again

Yes. Your bootloader is not a problem. There is a big misconception about bootloaders in the TOMTOM forums. Your 520 can handle any bootloader, with no problem. In the 9.205.cab that you downloaded there is a file "Bootloader version". You can open it with notepad & see that it's version 5.5250. The actual bootloader is a file named system. It is perfectly safe for you to use.
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Postby ttnewbie » Sun Sep 05, 2010 8:37 pm

thanks tendriver. Since i'm gonna do an update anyway, I would like to update the bootloader at the same time if possible. Can you pls tell me what version to update it to and how to update it?

thanks mate.
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Postby redband » Sun Sep 05, 2010 8:40 pm

your bootloader is 5.5015 which is fine so carry on with instructions in posts 2 & 3
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Postby ttnewbie » Sun Sep 05, 2010 8:56 pm

thanks redband.

Since i've still not managed to download the maps (net is slow), i've gone ahead and done the steps mentioned above. Just for peace of mind, can you guys pls clarify i have done it correctly? (FYI, all my files/maps are on the internal memory and mp3 are stored on 1gb sd card) :-

1. Took a full backup of TT internal memory and sdcard

2. Extracted 9.205.rider3.CAB-navcore-RIDER.cab straight to the root of the TT internal memory

3. Extracted X_ttsystem.9.205.547817.1.rar, but only copied the two PNDNavigator [color="red"](this didn't file exist on my TT)[/color] & ttsystem , but i ignored the rest of the files.

Have i done the above right? :dash3:
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Postby tendriver » Sun Sep 05, 2010 9:01 pm

ttnewbie wrote:thanks tendriver. Since i'm gonna do an update anyway, I would like to update the bootloader at the same time if possible. Can you pls tell me what version to update it to and how to update it?

thanks mate.

As I said version 5.5250 is included in the 9.205.cab. Your 520 will update to that version, when you load the .cab files into it.
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Postby tendriver » Sun Sep 05, 2010 9:03 pm

ttnewbie wrote:thanks redband.

Since i've still not managed to download the maps (net is slow), i've gone ahead and done the steps mentioned above. Just for peace of mind, can you guys pls clarify i have done it correctly? (FYI, all my files/maps are on the internal memory and mp3 are stored on 1gb sd card) :-

1. Took a full backup of TT internal memory and sdcard

2. Extracted 9.205.rider3.CAB-navcore-RIDER.cab straight to the root of the TT internal memory

3. Extracted X_ttsystem.9.205.547817.1.rar, but only copied the two PNDNavigator (this didn't file exist on my TT) & ttsystem , but i ignored the rest of the files.

Have i done the above right? :dash3:

Perfect. Well done. If you want to play with it while waiting on the new map to download, patch the old map. You are correct about the PNDNavigator file, but it is needed, due to the way this navcore was patched.
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Postby ttnewbie » Sun Sep 05, 2010 9:13 pm

Thank you very much mate...you guys deserve all the credit as i couldn't have done it with your clear instructions.

Whilst i'm waiting for the maps to download, can you pls tell me that since the version of maps and navcore i originally had, is there any major change or bug fix? Also what about speed?

How do you patch the old maps?
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Postby ttnewbie » Sun Sep 05, 2010 9:17 pm

oh sugar! :mad:

All day today i've been having a very slow connection that has been disconnecting every few hours...wll guess what? i had another 20mb to download and it disconnected..damn internet explorer!

Is there any other way such as torrent that i can download these maps? At least if it disconnects, i can resume again.
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Postby tendriver » Sun Sep 05, 2010 9:26 pm

ttnewbie wrote:oh sugar! :mad:

All day today i've been having a very slow connection that has been disconnecting every few hours...wll guess what? i had another 20mb to download and it disconnected..damn internet explorer!

Is there any other way such as torrent that i can download these maps? At least if it disconnects, i can resume again.

1st to patch your old map. Put the map folder on the internal, if it is not still there. Download this patcher. AutoActivate 03.09.2010 {1.3} Read the instructions in the post. Patch it.
Map issue. What map/maps are you downloading?
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Postby ttnewbie » Sun Sep 05, 2010 9:28 pm

the ones which dsj has posted the link to...check out his post #2 in this thread.
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Postby ttnewbie » Sun Sep 05, 2010 9:36 pm

i'm managed to activate the old maps, but the Tomtom is now booting upto the bit where it shows the 3d map and the new menu, freezes and then reboots:think:
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