ERROR: 573/#
[Please Register or Login to download file] Error from server: You have an invalid version of the TomTom application installed on your TomTom device. To use HOME you need to install the correct version of the TomTom application.
You have an invalid version of the TomTom application installed on your TomTom device. To use HOME you need to install the correct version of the TomTom application.
Error code: 573
Debug info from server: InvalidModelOrNavcoreException %3A
[Please Register or Login to download file] Additional information: info = [object]
info.func = [string] shop/onetimeDeviceUpdates
info.args = [object]
info.args.deviceModel = [string] go520
info.args.deviceCapabilities = [string] ArrivalSounds Bluetooth CarSymbol Caymann Documents Durham ExternalModem ExtraSounds FrequentDestinations GPRSEngine HDTraffic HTTPActivation Handsfree Hercules HerculesTraffic HidRemote HomeBackup IPOD InternalFlash Itinerary Leeway LinkVolumeToNoise LiveServices MP3 MapOverlays MapShare Microphone MultipleMaps MusicPlayer Newyork NotAutomotiveEmbedded OnDevicePayments Oxford PermanentMapCfg PhoneFeatures PhotoBMPViewer PhotoJPGViewer PhotoViewer PlusFixedSafetyCameras PlusFuelPrices PlusMobileSafetyCameras PlusOrRDSTMCTraffic PlusTripReporting Prague RDSTMC RichPOI Ringtone SDK SDSlot SMSSupported SettingsOverride SmsReceivedSound StartupImage SupportGetAMap SuspendImage TTS TTSCompressed TTSLoquendo700 TrackMe Traffic USBAccessories UserSkin VoiceBrowser VoiceRecording WarningSounds screensize=480x272
info.args.deviceParameters = [string] {"ApplicationVersion":"547817.1","ApplicationVersionVersionNumber":"9205","VehicleBrand":"","VehicleModel":""}
info.args.deviceSerial = [string] M26267A09291
info.args.deviceCode = [string] AK4AAD2DTE
info.args.deviceNavcoreVersion = [string] 9.205
info.method = [string] GET
info.useCache = [string] true
info.dryRun = [string] false
info.xmluploadbody = [object] empty
Severity: 1103
0. chrome//tthome/content/logic/comm.js:468
xmluploadbody: this.xmluploadbody
1. chrome//tthome/content/logic/comm.js:430
2. chrome//tthome/content/logic/comm.js:277
this.request.onload = function() { me._done(true); }
Time: Wed, 11 May 2011 17:38:25 GMT